End solitary confinement of those with mental illness

The criminalization of the mentally ill is a societal tragedy in this country. No one should be punished for their disability, but it happens to millions of citizens. My brother was criminalized for over 30 years, and many times was held in jail solitary confinement with a diagnosed SMI (serious mental illness). He was chained to a wall, only had hot water in his cell, all family legal advocates were ignored. The state is backward in how they “treat” and supposedly care for these most vulnerable citizens. Delusions are real to that person, and the delusion is a disability. My brother lived on meagre $700/month SSDI since age 20, because the government recognized his disability and gave him this income to live on. But the court systems punish them when a serious delusion leads to an arrest. Solitary confinement is torture. How does this help these suffering souls?
Happy to discuss. We have vast records. Thanks.