Abolish The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, passed by Congress in 1986. If you make a bad product you are liable. That will force them to make better products. Additionally, making all vaccines a choice, make medical exemptions easier to get, and always allow religious exemptions. No one should ever be forced to take a vaccine again or ostracized when they are not vaccinated. Force legitimate trials for all current vaccines. Doctors should be required to cover the potential side effects, if the vaccine is actually even needed, and never be allowed to perform more than one vaccine at a time without a study of the effects. There should be consideration to the spacing of vaccination in a schedule that allows for the body to settle. Any reactions to vaccination should be highly investigated, documented, and applied to current data and science allowing for positive change. Not all science is based off specifically performed studies, but can be antidotal if captured correctly. This will allow for fast pace analysis and rapid feedback. This information along with manufacturers being able to be sued will open the door for constructive data to build better products.
At this point, the “vaccine” racket has been completely exposed. They all need to be pulled from the market and those creating this racket prosecuted.
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