Helping Farmers Retire and Transition to Regenerative Agriculture

My Dad is a “Big Ag” farmer. He has farmed all of his life. He took over the family farm and the family debt at 18 when his Dad died after years of battling cancer. By the grace of God, nonstop work, incredible ingenuity and creativity, and decades of blood, sweat, and tears by my family, their farming operation was able to survive and grow. But today, like over one-third of US farmers, my parents face a different challenge, they want to retire. Decades of hard physical work have taken a toll on my Dad’s body.

Like other older farmers, my Dad cannot just retire. The current ag model doesn’t stop taking all it can from the land and farmers. Any farmer who has survived thus far has learned how to live lean, operate with high inputs and low outputs, have little to no employees, and figure out how to make a living during droughts, floods, crashing markets, accidents, sickness, death, and disease. The Big Ag Model works by keeping farmers’ backs against the wall.

The “subsidies” we speak so freely about have been few and far between for most farmers like my Dad, and crop insurance only covers the cost of inputs but does not provide income. Yet, farmers who “made it” have done many things to compensate for the lack of farm income with other jobs (both my Mom and Dad worked full-time jobs in town).

Farmers may have land and equipment, but their costs are astronomical. They have been taken advantage of at every turn. If the enormous costs of operating a farm, planting crops, keeping machines running, and finding ways to work loans, offset taxes, insurance, and worry weren’t enough, farmers now face skyrocketing property taxes and insurance costs (if they can even get insurance). Farmers who want to retire have no choice but to rent their land and equipment to another Big Ag farmer to “survive.”

It’s relatively easy to have never stepped foot on a farm and discuss farming, glyphosate, and subsidies without understanding the origins and the primary beneficiaries of the subsidy and farming programs. I can assure you that it’s not farmers like my Dad who have benefited the most. Please take the time to do some research. EWG has updated research.

I recently sat down with my Dad and discussed his challenges and what it would take to transition his farm to a regenerative ag model.

First: Scale, Transparency, and Intimate Knowledge

  • There isn’t a single program that suits all farms.
  • Every farm is unique, and every farmer faces unique challenges.
  • If we are going to transition farms and regenerate farming, we must do an accounting and stop subsidizing massive corporations and even the USDA. "Analyzing new data in our Farm Subsidy Database, EWG researchers found that $3.08 billion in farm subsidies went to 1,134 financial institutions between 2019 and 2021
  • We must sit down with the remaining 1.9 million farms and farmers and learn how to help farmers retire and transition farms into a more scaled-down, profitable, local, and sustainable system.

Second: Costs

  • Must address inheritance tax, increasing property taxes, insurance costs, and the liability farms face anytime someone even steps on their property.
  • Farmers need ways to sell equipment and machinery without tax consequences. Get rid of the recapture tax for farmers.
  • Do away with the capital gains tax on farmland. The 1031 exchange prevents farmers from retiring and transitioning land.
  • There must be ways to help farmers build in reserve for the lean years.
  • Farmers need ways to make income during retirement.
  • Help farmers diversify. The USDA and state Ag programs are little help unless you are willing to continue with the status quo.
  • Most farmers need ways, help, and places to produce, process, and sell value-added products without risk and further financial investment.
  • Rebuild rural communities and infrastructure. Many rural communities are in food and business deserts. There is no farm-to-table infrastructure in most rural communities. Even if you had new products, those products would need to be trucked hours away to process and sell at urban farmer’s markets.

Third: Land comes first

  • Reclaim our farmlands from foreign entities. Farmland is sacred.
  • No doubt, we need to stop using poisons and fertilizers.
  • We must rebuild the soil.
  • Land needs time and periods of rest. Currently, there is no greater need than to give our land rest, which would immediately impact the need for fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Ongoing education for current and farmers- places to educate and learn new ways to farm, grow, process products, and raise animals
  • Some farms must be dedicated entirely to learning. Teaching techniques are good, but real-life experiences are desperately needed. People need to learn in Nature’s classroom: Places where our feet touch the ground, our noses breathe in the dirt, our eyes see beauty, our hands work with others, and our hearts are open to help creatures and Creation.
  • Find new ways to capture pollution and contaminants from road traffic and clean up the waste littering the roadsides. (This includes reducing or capturing oils, fuels, and fluids from vehicles and chemicals used to pave roads that wash into ditches, streams, and onto farms.
  • Governments must stop spraying roadsides.
  • Clean up the water we use to irrigate crops, feed animals, and use in and around our homes, businesses, churches, and schools.
  • Find better ways to dispose of trash, busted batteries, plastics, and food.
  • Incentives to plant natives, trees, flowers, and perennial crops
  • Stop mowing, bushhogging, and cutting all unused land for hay.
  • Diversify crops.
  • Give farmers choices. Talk to them. Honor them. Listen to what they have to say.
  • Help the average consumer understand how their pollution, waste, and trash end up on farms.
  • Help the average consumer support and honor their local farmers.
  • Understand what happens when Farmers must rent their land to generate income. Care of the land is not a priority when people farm and need the land to produce immediately to survive financially.
  • Current conservation programs are not adequate and very limited.
  • Better Farm programs
  • Limit the government and municipalities from taking imminent domain, and stop them running fiber, electric cables, etc., and having the right of way through a farm.

Fourth: Crops and Animal Agriculture

  • We must decide if we are growing crops to export, feed people junk, feed animals, make fuel, or rebuild local food systems.
  • Every restaurant, school, business, and grocery in America should use as much food grown in America as possible.
  • Make it profitable again to raise animals the right way. Meat shouldn’t be cheap or imported from other countries.
  • Overgrazing is worse than row cropping.
  • In the past, cattle have not made more than crops.
  • Cattle should not have a capital gains tax.

Challenges for new farmers

  • High costs to start
  • High land and rent costs
  • High risk
  • High input costs (seeds, fertilizer, chemicals)
  • High machinery, parts, and repair costs
  • High gas and diesel costs
  • Crop insurance is unaffordable
  • High Insurance cost
  • High costs to employ (Farmers should be exempt from liability when someone is on a farm.)
  • Low guarantee for success

Thank you for the information.
Would working on local farm to table programs be a benefit?

Thanks for reading. I do think the more we educate ourselves and work together it will help. However transtioning farms requires understanding of the current model, establishing new relationships, creating new programs, providing support and guarantees for farmers to make the move to regenerative agriculture, and also building new infrastructure from farm-to-table.

Thank you, from a farm wife in the midwest!! I understood and felt every word you’re saying! Especially love the idea of local farm to table. It’s true we, country folk, live in a food desert!
Regenerative farming is how we can have nutrient dense soil again. Also, naturally takes care of the carbon issue. I hope more people see your policy proposal and research Regenerative farming. If we are to have clean food again, we have to have rich nutrient soil again.


I really appreciate your reply. Thank you. The moves we need to make will only happen by us working together, and supporting our farmers and the decades of sacrifice and hard work men and women have done to grow food as best they could given what they had to work with. Blessings to you from Tennessee.


Yes! I have had tough conversations with my husband about regenerative farming practices and how I envision the future of farming. I’ve done a lot of reading up on regenerative farming. It was hard to bring this up because I don’t blame him or any farmer for the condition of our land today. They were only doing what they were taught was best from experts. The chemical companies and seed companies marketing to our farmers telling them by using glysophate and GMOs will increase their yields by failing to tell them it will destroy your soil and land. I believe this is all been a plan by the powers that be to generate more money for the Big Ag CEOS. The latest is the solar companies wanting our ground to sequester carbon and provide electricity but taking our land out of food production. We get a few letters a week from different solar companies. They know farmers are hurting right now. We also have a local power plant wanting to do a carbon capture project. I don’t believe capturing the carbon and putting it in a pipe underground over the top of an aquifer is a very smart idea. Especially when regenerative farming will naturally take care of the carbon issue.


Totally agree. I am praying our farmers are given real opportunities and choices to do what they love- which is farm, and participate in making things new or what Wendell Berry calls “practicing resurrection.” I believe farmers and their families are some of the most resilient, hardworking and kind people. We just need help getting the foot off the Farmer’s back.


Farm to table starts by supporting local farms. We have lost that in our sick society today :sob:.
As said
1- regenerate ag
2- sustainable business model
3- How do we get younger generations interested in farming again? We need to lift a lot of the restrictions. I want to do it, but my grandparents sold when i was only 10. Im 30 now wishing I was this age then.


Definitely! We need to help younger generations. We should not want our future farmers of America to be robots.

Yet, there are so many factors to consider even with regenerative farming-Land costs, insurance costs, property taxes, manpower, machine costs, marketing, and fuel costs ( let’s say you are a regenerative farmers and you produce veggies but then you have to drive an hour to a profitable farmers market and compete with all the other regen farmers drving in).

Talk to the farmers at farmers markets and listen to what they are up against. Why are they having to travel and compete to sell their products?

Regenerative farming must be connected to local communities, local markets, and local economies. Read as much Wendell Berry as possible to see the necessity of scale, wisdom, thrift, neighborliness, and affection in farming. There’s a great article by Wendell Berry at called “Renewing Husbandry-The time of mechanization in agriculture is fast coming to an end. But can we recover what’s been lost?” written in 2005. His book “The Art of Commonpace” has some of his best essays. Regenerative Agriculture must turn on affection and be rooted in community or it is not regenerative or sustainable.


Absolutely, farmers are the hardest working people of this country!! We are the 4th generation in our farming family. My father n law is still driving the combine! However, the stress over the increase in inputs and the low markets has taken a toll on all of us. I’m hopeful for the future and so excited that RFK Jr is on board!


I appreciate the time, effort, and thought you put into this proposal.

But my political philosophy comes down to “what does the Constitution say about this?” My conclusion is that, while the problems you cite are real, the cause of most of those problems was the government doing things it’s not permitted to do under the short list of enumerated powers in Article 1 Section 8.

I do not believe that the solution to those problems is more government programs doing things that exceed the federal government’s charter, as described in Article 1. Eliminating all federal government programs that aren’t tied to specific enumerated powers is my preferred solution.

Eliminate the root cause, and many of our current problems would disappear very quickly.

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I am very much aligned with Thoreau, and Wendell Berry on government, and agree American citizens should be free, fully self-supporting and able to live with the least amount of government. Like Berry, I believe “a man who is willing to undertake the discipline and difficulty of mending his own ways is worth more… than a hundred who are insisting that the government and the industries mend their ways.”

Look, I am not an expert nor am I saying everything I proposed is “constitutional” or even under the government’s control. However, the government has a job to protect its citizens and give us a fighting chance for free-market capitalism. Perhaps, this would be a good place to start- “A 50-Year Farm Bill proposed by The Land Institute Salina, Kansas 785-823-5376 June 2009.” Wes Jackson is a friend of Berry. You can find it at

You are right we must eliminate the root cause which I believe will require all of us working together, all of us changing our lives, all of us taking personal responsibility, and the government working for the people. This is the government I want-“Wendell Berry’s political values… envision their ideal America as an agrarian republic: a community of honest laborers pursuing a modest life of virtue, seeking peace, commerce and honest friendship… Political power in this republic is decentralized, economic policies favor farmers and small-scale enterprises over large corporations, and freedom is guaranteed by a watchful and active citizenry.” Thanks for the engagement.


Thank you for sharing your family’s story and highlighting the critical challenges facing farmers today. Your account vividly illustrates the urgent need for change in our agricultural systems. I want you to know that help is on the horizon.

We are actively developing innovative tools and approaches to address many of the issues you’ve raised.

These tools are designed to empower farmers over the next 50 years, providing pathways to profitability, sustainability, and a dignified retirement. We’re committed to honoring farmers’ hard work while paving the way for a more regenerative future.

Your voice matters in this process. We’d love to hear more about your family’s experiences as we continue to refine our approach. Together, we can craft a brighter future for farming.


Thanks for reading and responding. I appreciate any opportunity to help farmers receive the honor and help they need and deserve.

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This is such a hard topic because how do you appropriately give valuation to products necessary for life (food)?

If we really placed appropriate value in this sort if thing it would cost as much as healthcare. Starve, grow/raise your own food, or pay out. But then you deal with people in poverty and somewhere hard decisions have to become real.

I’m glad to see these conversations happening though. They’re needed!

Currently trying to make life work with a close farm tie so I truly hear this.


I cannot intelligently respond with suggestions, but I can learn as I read your materials and responses and support your common sense and detailed approach. Thank you, your family, and all the farmers who work so hard to feed families and communities.

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Thank you Neighbor!

I took over a run down dairy farm. Land developers use city resources to shut me down every time I turn on my tractor. It’s a nightmare. Was growing vegetables for farmers markets until 2023 Rome, NY litigation shut me down. We need a national Right To Farm policy so that, big or small, all of us can contribute to the food supply. NYS RTF Policy is easily overridden by local cities with NO RTF policy. It’s absolutely stupid. Dairy was operational for 100+ years before it was closed. I’m trying to restore it all back to its former glory. What a battle it’s been. We need to have RTF and a right to live on our own property. Just got a building permit after 4 years of stamped architectural drawings. It’s crazy here.


Bless you Tammy Bowman and the good work you are doing. Thank you for sharing your experience. This is the type of insanity farmers have been forced to endure for far too long. It’s a wonder we have any farmers left. I truly believe things are going to change.


I absolutely agree with all that you have said and have lived in a farming area since high school and I’m now 65. Lots of changes and most of them not good! I hope these positive changes that you have out lined are implemented soon!