Hang treasonous people of power

We the people have been suppressed and given i justice with our injustice department. We need to hold the treasonous people who are supposed to be held to higher standards accountable.

Acts, infractions, proposals, and everything in between are not laws. The people who infringe on nationals lives that are Americans need to know what they do when infringe on our constitutional rights.

Repeal the DEA. Repeal the IRS. Repeal the ATF. Repeal the EPA.

we need the government for people and not big government. When a politician or person of power impeads or violates an Americans rights they need to be removed from power and charge with their treasonous ways.

Hold our corrupt positions, judges, cops and everyone accountable in power and restore the power in we the people.


The thing is, no one has been prosecuted. The people doing the decisions to prosecuting are the criminals. It’s like asking the fox not to guard the hen house.

Any public servant who tries to circumvent the constitution should be removed as they have violated their oath. If they have violated the constitution resulting in injury, damages or death of Americans they should be charged with treason and punished befitting their crimes.