Transparent Capital Punishment for Treason

Speaking for all true Americans, we all have seen what our corrupt government has done and has been doing. We all know there are more than just politicians involved. WE THE PEOPLE ARE BEYOND SICK OF IT AND NEED ACTION. Starting with every violation of the constitution, weaponizing the media, weaponizing alphabet agencies, enabling invasion (illegals), back door deals, insider trading, blanket pardons, spread of misinformation, propaganda, human trafficking, weapons trafficking, poisoning of our food/water, money laundering, installation of illegitimate politicians foreign/domestic, etc… SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE AND NEEDS TO BE DONE NOW. In the 50’s after WW2 through the 70’s we were warned of what our country has become. United States of America is a Republic, not a Democracy. We did not become what we are by cowadice. Now or never is way beyond yesterday. Bring back the firing sqauds and get the job done.


Well, let’s bring back enforcing the law. (It’s important to say these things correctly, although I understand the sentiment.)

Many things you’ve alluded to are described properly as treasonous when intentionally and knowingly done to the detriment of our people and nation. Treason is a high crime and needs arrest and prosecution. IF found guilty, the legal penalties that are already on the books need to be applied appropriately. Sometimes that’s imprisonment. Sometimes it’s something else.

Everyone is innocent until proven guilty or our country is sunk. And we need to make sure actual justice occurs, especially because of the seriousness of the crimes and charges.

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How do you define “true american”? And who elected you spokesperson? We are actually a democratic constitutional republic. If we want to get specific. Which is just democracy with extra steps and checks/balances.

The current problem with our federal and state tyrants is that they just claim that they were acting in the best interest of the constitution in their interpretation and in protected while fulfilling their official duties. Once they say that it would take exposing and leaking documents and witnesses that prove otherwise.

With the high number of paddleboarding chefs disappearing or executives driving off driveway bankments or ying from extreme turbulence, I doubt we will see that happen.

I said what I said above in order to correct the wording of this post to protect everyone else who came in behind me from possibly being entrapped: It is sketchy legal ground to say some of what the original thread stated and people who aren’t thinking of that could come in and say versions of “yeah go get 'em” and find themselves in hot water someday. This way there’s a safety net of an excuse that anyone also read my post and meant let’s enforce the law, which is a legal thing to say. That’s all I was doing.

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There is something to be said for courtyard-hangings as a ‘necessary evil’. It certainly helped to tame the ‘wild’ west. The townspeople made sure that the punishment was carried out in an open space because it worked as expected. It makes others think twice about doing the same thing. This was common practice since the dawn of governments. America is no stranger to this practice. Punishment for Treason should absolutely be shown to the entire country. Treasonous activity needs to end in America – public_executions would only hasten its end. That is my take on it.

Yes, I know…there are libtards and bleeding_hearts out there that will immediately start defending the 1% on the other side of the hangman’s_rope at the expense of the 99% who were victimized by the 1%. I just look at it as a social mental affliction and expect such spasmatic protestations of capital_punishment from about 20% of the viewers – comes with the territory. :cowboy_hat_face:


You are incorrect. We are a constitutional republic.


Firing squads are too extreme. Better for lifetime prison setences in a maximum security prison.

Paul…And taking care of these 1% traitors for an entire lifetime is too “extreme” on the American People (the 99%). Better to reduce their life spans to ease the extreme financial burden on the 99% who these criminals willingly attacked in the first place. Putting the 1% to sleep (as you might do with a rabid dog) would not be extreme on the American People…and it would be humane for the traitors (who really don’t even deserve a dignified departure). I think 80% of the population would protest ‘personally’ paying life-time expenses for those who tried to destroy their very own country, their wealth, their friends and family, their generations and their futures. Traitors are as dogs who bit their masters and neighbors – nothing more. Biting dogs are put down, not cared for in a special and costly maximum security humanitarian dog kennel at a lifetime cost to the injured neighborhood victims – simple as that. Just my thoughts on the matter. :coffin: Thanks.

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Agree Sugarling. After all, we don’t want to mistakenly **put down" the wrong dog. But if we have proof that the dog bit others…down it should go, pronto. :grin:

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Surely you know the country is founded on judeic-cristian beliefs. We should respect that, even if we dont believe in anything. Also, it’s better ten guilty people go free then to convict one innocent person. I understand your anger and it is colosally messed up, but we should let the court system play out. If they are found guilty, then justice should be carried out blindly. Even in the face of great injustice, we should remain calm, rational, collected, focused, strategic, and ethical.

Thanks for the laugh lmao

Paul, and as I predicted and expected…we hear noise from the 20%. As always, we agree to disagree; and life (and deserved death) moves on.

All this does is create a burden of taxation for us citizens.

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