Guns in schools requirement

We as people/parents are meant to protect the kids. I saw someone propose that we have a “school shooter drill” like a fire alarm drill in schools but that is defeating the purpose of protecting our kids!! If I were a student and they had us practicing drills for the day a school shooter comes to execute us I would be TERRIFIED to go to school. Teachers in all government funded schools should be REQUIRED to take a gun safety class and have their concealed. Teachers should be required to go to a shooting range X amount of times and there should be 1 teacher required to be carrying(concealed) in each wing/hall/section of a school. Teachers have a JOB to keep our children SAFE!! Just like the police have a job to keep our streets safe. I also think teachers should have to go through a mental wellness check and background check before getting their concealed. Parents do not feel safe with their children at school because all the teacher can do is maybe charge a shooter meanwhile probably getting shot and leaving her students to fend for themselves. WE NEED TO STOP THE SCHOOL SHOOTERS AND THIS IS WHAT THE 2nd AMENDMENT IS HERE FOR!!o


This is obviously a very important issue for you. I would suggest we take into consideration the fact our teachers are overburdened and schools are understaffed. I don’t think it’s possible to add this as a job requirement. I agree we need security measures in schools. It makes more sense to me to hire veterans, who have been professionally trained in weapons, to police our schools. I also believe there needs to be a mentorship program established in schools so kids have adults in the community to talk to.

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See having “body guards” at school is not really a great feeling as a student either in my opinion. Maybe hiring x amount of veterans as teachers per school would be better so they could conceal and teach. But also a lot of veterans come with PTSD so that is why I am suggesting the teachers do it. As a high schooler we had police come every once in a while and it was always alarming and made all the kids on edge because they didn’t know what was going on. There needs to be teachers with guns. There is no reason that teachers cannot do this. I also propose that they teach the students gun safety in schools too.

I think x amount of teachers per school should get training and have their concealed.the idea of having military or police or any type of body guard would make me un-easy at school. Whereas if you have “secret teachers” who carry nobody would know. We are not here to helicopter our kids but instead teach them how to be adults and civil humans. If you place police/military it starts looking more like a jail than it already feels like which could make the kids rebel or want to rebel even more especially at the highschool level.

I believe that even if the teachers are not mandated to carry a firearm, allowing anyone to carry if they are licensed and comfortable and secure their firearm at school would greatly deter someone from bringing a gun to school to kill or harm other students. There are many stories of acts of violence being stopped because someone else had a gun and many acts of violence prevented simply because it was a space where guns were allowed. A shooter would be far less likely to enter a school knowing that someone may have a gun, as opposed to knowing no one does. I don’t think it should be a requirement but I think it should be required to allow a teacher or staff member, even parent who is licensed and trained with a fire arm to carry into a school if they choose to and of course require adequate safety measure to store it if a teacher decides to carry into their class room.