The U.S. Government should reward and teach people how to make quality probiotic foods and canning. I think if a family moves to 1 acre or more the Government can give them one time only to get them started. 2 cows 2 chickens 2 sheep 2 goats .the Government should reprint farming and canning pamphlet’s from the 1950s and send them out #FarmPackages to get them started. Every community should have a helping hand for learning to feed their community.
they must buy 1 acre or more and have at least one child.
Let’s #Feed #America not only that
Let’s teach them #FarmNutrition!
There are already several programs available in all states that will give you money to get started and they will even send someone out to view your property and they will help you build a plan. USDA website is your friend.
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