Government Agencies and their Abuse of Classification

Every time someone messes up they classify it. They don’t police themselves, they just hide it and carry on doing the same shit.

Then, when someone needs the information to prove their innocence or a whistleblower tries to expose these errors in judgement (lol) they attack the whistleblower and deny the citizen the information.

It’s bs. There’s no secret to our government. Infringe on people’s rights and expand or retain power by any means necessary. Outside of the US maybe having a UFO and flying it in a warzone, nothing our govt does is a secret to any other advanced nation. If they want it, blackmail a politican (like Swalwell) or pay them off (Menendez).

Anyway, the government uses secrecy the way police and judges use Qualified Immunity when they infringe on people’s rights. It needs to end.