Genocide - Revoke Bill Gate's Ownership of Farmland and Ban Apeel

Bill Gate’s has openly called for the genocide of American citizens from his actions by becoming the largest private owner of farmland in the US, creating the unnatural and unremovable “Apeel” coating on fruits and vegetables, and posting a YouTube video where he explains his opinion regarding overpopulation.

Video - Does saving more lives lead to overpopulation?

Bill Gates is creating a new underlying “holocaust 2.0”, and aims to destroy lives from within.


This was exactly my idea. Eminent domain his 250,000 acres!


Bill Gates owns approximately 242,000 to 269,000 acres of farmland across 19 different states in the U.S. How much land should one person be able to own and control? How many cities would fit into 269,000 acres? Should a person be able to buy an entire city? A county? A state?


Thank you


While I agree that Apeel should be scrutinized and possibly banned, preventing an American citizen from owning land contradicts the very principles America was founded on. Today it’s Bill Gates; tomorrow it could be anyone in the working class. This is not the kind of power we want the government to wield.


Forty years in the natural products industry. Then natural foods industry veteran, Ryan Sarnataro, read this article on Apeel

First Reaction upon reading:
“Holy shit
99.4% of the ingredient list is undisclosed, aka “confidential”.
What is disclosed are mono and diglycerides
There is no labeling requirement.
A toxic trojan horse.
And not a word about it in the WPO NYT NPR – except – all 3 had stories about the start-up in 2016
So it was a stealth product launch.

In the same vein, when our local theatre had a UCSC-sponsored ‘Impossible Foods’ promo event, we went down there to stand on the sidewalk where people would line up to enter: “Would you like an alternative perspective to the narrative you are about to hear?” we asked. We were met with almost entirely with a quizzical, curiosity pause, followed by, yes please. A very satisfying exercise.

Here is the copy from that handout:
Impossible Foods – Inequitable, Unsustainable, Unhealthy, Toxic

You are about to experience a wolf in sheep’s clothing performance. It will tout the superiority of conventionally farmed ultra processed food (UPF) over organic and regenerative agriculture and whole foods. The company’s model, supported by hundreds of millions of dollars of funding from Wall Street and investor Bill Gates, is to concentrate nutrition in factories, reap government subsidies and externalize as many costs as possible to the environment. The philosophical underpinnings of this enterprise is the delusion that “man” can and must re-engineer nature rather than work with it despite our frightful ignorance of the intricacies of the web of life and track record of unintended consequences.

Impossible Burger Ingredients:

Industrially mono-cropped genetically engineered soy - grown with commercial fertilizers, pesticides and glyphosate / Roundup®. These agricultural inputs have significant chemical pollution and Greenhouse gas (GHG) footprints. The farming method kills plants and destroys the biological matrix of soil through killing microbial life. It indiscriminately kills insects, starves birds and eliminates habitat. Fertilizer used for conventional soy is a major contributor to the dead zone in the Gulf Of Mexico. Much of the soy is grown with fossil well water, unsustainably drawn up from aquifers at a pace far in excess of what nature can replenish. Dropping water tables have resulted in the desiccation of surrounding land.

The health effects of consuming glyphosate are not well understood due to a lack of research, however exposure to the chemical has been proven to cause cancer requiring Monsanto / Bayer to pay over $10 billion in compensation to harmed individuals. The mechanism of action, interfering with fundamental biology, is potentially the cause of many ailments other than cancer. Glyphosate poisons your gut microbiota and cellular mitochondria through the same biological pathway that it uses to kills weeds.

Refined Conventional Sunflower Oil. In addition to the harms caused by conventional monocropping, sunflower oil is polyunsaturated linoleic acid (LA), the overabundance of which in the standard American diet (SAD) is implicated in many chronic diseases. LA was virtually unknown in the pre-industrial diet. It is chemically unstable and easily oxidizes resulting in toxic oxidized LDL cholesterol and damaged mitochondria. Impossible foods does not disclose the extent to which this oil is refined and bleached which removes natural anti-oxidants which partially protect the oil causing inflammation and ageing.

Fake blood – soy leghemoglobin. Produced through synthetic biology that extracts DNA from the roots of the soy plant and inserts it into genetically engineered yeast to produce the ingredient. The FDA did not require Impossible Foods to conduct long-term safety tests of this newly created artificial color.

Heat applied plastic packaging. Millions of pounds of fossil fuels are required for the production and transportation of the packaging used by Impossible Foods. The recent discovery of massive numbers of microscopic plastic particles in foods and beverages blasted there through the plastic packaging process used by Impossible Foods is the cause of significant concern in the medical community.

By buying the Impossible Burger you:

Support the denigration and marginalization of organic agriculture and small family farms.

Support the chemical degradation of the environment and the sterilization of vast tracts of land and sea.

Support stealth GHG emissions through intensive fossil fuel based agricultural inputs, increased food miles and decreased soil productivity - while collecting commodity food taxpayer agricultural subsidies.

Support the concentration of farm land and food production in the hands of Wall St investment firms.

Support scientifically invalid attacks on animal protein, dairy products, pastured and grass fed beef.

Put your health and the health of the planet at risk.



APEEL is unequivocally a big problem (see below).

As for Bill Gates buying up vast tracts of land, while it is true “preventing an American citizen from owning land contradicts the very principles America was founded on” Bill Gates stands alone in some kind of unprecedented “World According to Bill Gates” category. Just as we have industrial and residential zoning, there has to be a robust civic process in place whereby we know before he does it, what he intends to institute on these vast tracts of land he is buying up. Look at the devastation to a region caused by CAFO-concentrated animal feeding operation -hog farms. Nobody who calls this neck of the woods HOME had any say in who and what moved in. Just, one day, bam, river polluted, stinking to high heaven, nobody listening, and their only recourse was the long drawn-out lawsuits nightmare scenario that ensued.

Okay so Bill Gates is all about fake meat but still, is his next grand plan going to devastate a way of life that has been sustained over generations, discount to zero the people who call this place HOME?


Hmm, ok but at least limit how much land an individual or corp can own. Much like breaking up monopolistic companies, don’t allow monopolistic land ownership


Who makes that decision? Will there be any exceptions? What’s the ideal amount of land for farming?

Imposing these kinds of limitations can be a slippery slope. I wish the world were fair, but the reality is that it isn’t always just or kind.

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" Status of the main proceedings on the project ‘COVID-19 The Great Reset’

  • WNL Op Zondag item on ‘Preferential reality’ with retired Major General Frank van Kappen;
  • International deception by public and private parties - False narrative;
  • EU Vaccination Roadmap 2018 - 2022;
  • European Digital Identity Card;
  • Maxima Zorreguita at the WEF on digital identity cards and vaccination;
  • Summons main proceedings on the website of Recht Oprecht (;
  • Productions (evidence) on the Recht Oprecht website: Productielijst - Stichting Recht Oprecht
  • Pfizer safety report dated April 30, 2021:
  • Shingles as a side effect in the safety report;
  • Shingles and Mpox (monkey pox) agreement;
  • Tedros of the WHO declared Mpox a Public health Emergency of international concern on August 14, 2024;
  • Repetition of Sars-Cov-2 narrative (Mpox - monkey pox);
  • approx. 72% of the Dutch population received at least 1 dose of the so-called mRNA vaccination;
  • Strategic Framework for enhancing and control of mpox (World Health Organization);
  • No evidence for positive effect of Covid-19 mRNA “vaccinations”;
  • Professor Dr. Francis A. Boyle (drafted United States Biological Weapons Legislation) Calls “So called mRNA vaccines biological warfare weapons” and speaks about the role of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and Pentagon’s DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Program Agency) as key players in the development of the COVID mRNA “vaccinations”;
  • The Leeuwarden District Court has the historic task of thoroughly investigating the facts surrounding the Covid-19 The Great Reset project (preferred reality) in the interest of the Dutch population;
  • EUVABECO project (Permanent mRNA vaccination (ID) program for plans and strategies to persuade people to take mRNA injections regularly and for life (bioweapon). Part of this is the digital vaccination pass;
  • Oral hearing of the incidental Procedure of Bill Gates at the Leeuwarden District Court on September 18, 2024;
  • ‘Leeuwarder Courant’ and ‘Dagblad van het Noorden’ Saturday, July 27, 2024 about the procedure against, among others, the State of the Netherlands written by Rutger van der Meij who appears not to be interested in the procedure and only in the people of Stichting Recht Oprecht;
  • Press conference organized by Stichting Recht Oprecht after the hearing;
  • Historical and current information and donations via Stichting Recht Oprecht via their website"

The Covid-19 project: The Great Reset is continuing at full speed. The executors of the Covid-19 project The Great Reset are doing everything they can to further mislead people to have as many mRNA injections as possible administered to the population. The project is now entering a next phase, namely that the effects of the previous Covid-19 mRNA injections are used to mislead the population again by means of the fear weapon and thus continue the ‘preferred reality’. In 2023, the vast majority of EU member states have agreed to the European digital identity document. whereby the digital identity is indeed also about ‘vaccinations’. Therefore, administering mRNA vaccinations to the population seems to be of great importance for the success of the Covid-19 project: The Great Reset."

"Bill Gates failed to escape the Dutch vaccine injury trial against him, along with former Prime Minister Rutte, former minister De Jonge and Pfizer chief Albert Bourla. Gates complained that the Netherlands had no jurisdiction over him, but the judge had a different opinion …

As the Court understands, – et al. argue that Hofstra et al., and thus also Gates, are part of a global group of persons, legal entities, and other entities who, in the context of implementing a project called Covid 19: The Great Reset, misled the administration of Covid-19 injections, while they knew or should have known that these injections were not safe and effective. From Gates’ brief, the Court concludes that Gates also interpreted the position of – et al. in this way. The Court understands that… et al. further argue in this context that Gates committed this deception internationally through two videos published on YouTube in April and December 2020, in which Gates allegedly misrepresented the necessity of the Covid-19 injections and their safety, respectively. Insofar as et al. intended to assert that furthermore any action of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation should be regarded as unlawful action by Gates in this group context, the court ignores this in the context of this incident, as it has not proven this. According to et al., some other defendants who are part of the alleged group, including De Jonge and Rutte, committed the deception in the Netherlands and thus deceived them, including by holding press conferences. Since Gates could have foreseen that the group’s action had created a danger of damage such as that suffered by et al., he is, according to et al., liable for this damage on the basis of Article 6:166 of the Dutch Civil Code (BW) …"

The case, which has drawn significant attention, will proceed in the Dutch legal system, with further developments expected after October 27, when the plaintiffs’ lawyers are scheduled to discuss the case in an interview.


Exile him then eminent domain the farmland he owns.


I agree. There should not be allow for any individual or corporations to own the majority of the farmland in the country. There should be a limit to the number of acres they can one.


I can understand the sentiment but! You have to look at this case by case basis. The way he went about it and what that represents is a threat to democracy and the way of life. In this particular case the government should force bill gates to liquidate this land and take over, else this will come back to haunt us. He used a lot of evil influence to gain that status anyways, he didn’t earn that with pure intentions, so this guy needs to be arrested and placed in front of the courts and face justice!


I understand and agree with what your concern is…no we dont want the government to controll land ownership.

I believe he is a traitor to the people. He is not a doctor and has no “health” degree or certification.

He’s just a billionaire who has been propped up as an expert for nafarious reasons.

Perhaps he can be arrested as a traitor to the people and then his land can taken from him because of his abuses to the people and lying to them during 2020 about the covid vax.

The land could be then be auctioned off to Americans.


Agreed! No person, corporation or foreign country should be able to monopolize ownership of our land, cities, etc. How much land does China now own in the US??! And how was that allowed to happen??!


Agreed but, when that ownership becomes excessive to the point where it could be detrimental to the health and well being of society at large, it may need to be throttled back some.


i don’t think this would have to create a precedent for all American citizens. this case could be classified as a monopoly and the US government has the power to break up monopolies.


Anyone who manipulates our food and land should lose all their assets and trusts should not protect their land, wealth. They lose EVERYTHING.

Anyone who puts animals health in jeopardy by raising them in warehouses, those involved should be tried for cruelty to animals and be imprisoned living in the same conditions. Lose all their assets and not have asset protection with Trusts.

Anyone who poisons our land on purpose to produce food that poisons people should be put to death. Lose all their assets and not have asset protection with Trusts.

Anyone who manufactures products used in the production of food and those who know the truth and lead these companies and sell the products, should be imprisoned. Lose all their assets and not have asset protection with Trusts.


Bill Gates is involved in so many things only because he has so much money. It should be illegal for any person that donates to company to be the one that sets standards or policy for that company especially when that person is profiting from those standards or policies.


We also need to get Farmland back from the Chinese government.