My brother in law was accused of touching his step kids. These girls now grown up admit nothing happened but his ex wife had him put away. He’s out of prison but I’m hoping for a law in such cases, to have these charges dropped.
He and my sister have suffered greatly.
Churches won’t accept, people treat him poorly.
This guy loves family and children in an honorable way. Please help. He’s not alone as I’m sure many men and women are innocent.
Please bring back innocent til proven guilty.
Us commoners would need a worldwide database to register these crimes committed by all these public officials and it would need all the information from “all” sides of the criminal acts committed by them, thus a “declaration of guilt” can be entered via “ptteren of criminality”. It would need be “retroactive” for purposes of dealing with past offenses towards the general public. This would “secure” proper and adequate retribution, compensation and closure to those they’ve victimized. I have such a database in my possession in Skelton form needing codes to bring it to life only: not difficult at all to do. I made it back in 1996 and revamp it in 2005. i call it the “PSV” database (Peoples Secured Voice). It covers businesses, doctors, security guards and much more. Should anyone have an interest in this please reply.
We are suppose to search policy before making a new one. We need to combine all of ours. You may like this! Please vote! Please read my earlier policy and please vote! False Allegations/False Accusations/Wrongful Convictions/False Witnesses