I believe the last thing children should worry about while trying to learn is whether or not they’ll get to eat today. Please reroute wasteful, frivolous, government spending to feed our children breakfast & lunch at school.
- School meals being paid by the taxpayer should be at the local or state level not the federal level. The Constitution gave the Federal government very few things to worry about and all other items are on the individual, local, and states to implement. This is one such area.
- Parents should be footing the bill for food unless they can prove they need assistance. Then and only then should tax payer funds help to pay for the meals.
I agree. It is the parent’s responsibility to feed their children, not the government. Decoupling public education from the federal level to be managed at the local level is the best option, and then the local community can decide which policy to implement in their school.
I also agree with lunches being prepared at home. There is nothing free in this world. Everything comes with a cost. Just because you didn’t bare the cost of something you received (like lunches for your children for a solid year) doesn’t mean it didn’t cost SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE for it. It did! When we say that “government” should pay for something, this is code word for “my neighbor should pay for it.” Govt does not have a bucket of money waiting to be spent. It generally takes from someone’s pocket to put into someone else’s pocket.
We don’t need our neighbors paying more taxes for our own children’s “free” lunches. It is un-American. Did you forget that children once brought lunch boxes to school, when there was no “school cafeteria”? We need to be getting back to lunch boxes and healthy meals prepared at home. Couple of ham sandwiches, pkg of cheese crackers, apple juice. a fruit, and a desert + 50 cents for a milk. Remember those days?
Yes, it’s the parents responsibility to feed their children. However, I’ve seen firsthand that not all of them do. Sometimes that is the only meal those kids get that day. The government spends our money on more ridiculous things than making sure children don’t go to bed hungry. I would think people could get behind making sure hungry kids have 1 hot meal per day.