Free cancer treatment

After my mom was diagnosed with cancer and the insurance not covering her life saving treatments, and having to watch my parents struggle to get the money I feel that no one should have to go through that while trying to fight a life threatening disease! People should also be allowed by their Dr to seek holistic alternatives which should also be free or covered by insurance.

I agree on merit, however, people must resist using the term “free”. I am moderately conservative and believe in the market economy. The theory on market economies revolve around voluntary interactions between buyer and seller. Having said that, I would like to see a federal insurance plan that covers annual medical cost over a certain amount. Let’s say $15,000 a year. If someone gets cancer, or gets into an accident, the financial implications can ruin their life for years (if not decades). When it comes to accumulating over 15k in medical costs in one year, that moves beyond “voluntary interactions” in a market economy. It becomes, essentially, a mandatory interaction. I would like a federal “sales” tax implemented to fund this (not a VAT tax) and not using the income tax. An extremely small federal sales tax would generate funds to cover this. I don’t know the specifics, but a penny tax on $100 dollars would generate a ton of money. This would also entail everyone is funding this insurance coverage and not just those with an income that’s reported. This should also make private health insurance much more affordable since the insurance company wouldn’t have to cover costs above 15k for any one patient. People would then be able to afford private insurance for every day medical needs. People don’t mind a tax if they know what it’s for and it is beneficial. Even conservative areas routinely approve a local sales tax increase to fund certain projects.

I definitely recommend you write your states two senators and your house representative as I am. With RFK Jr, and Tulsi Gabbard having the ear of President Trump, I think there’s a good chance now is a good time to get things done that benefits everyone from a healthcare perspective. Sorry to hear about your mom by the way.

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