Foster care/CYS

There needs to be an overhaul on the foster/CYS/DCF program. Workers are overloaded with cases. And can’t/wont give adequate attention to the cases. The children are suffering because of it. Foster parent have to go through training and monthly home inspection, this needs to happen for the safety of the kids. The courts will order bio parents into classes and inspections, visitation schedules to wich the bio parents don’t comply, the judge will give the children back to the parents. These babies are being taken away for a reason, it is horrifying to know that those reasons aren’t being addressed by the court, social workers or DCF/CYS. They honestly are not doing what is in the best interest of these children. Foster parents are being made to drive the children to every appointment, behavioral, speech and mental health, court hearings and now take these kids to visitations with the bio parents. As well as be a parental figure 24/7. While they do get some money for help with the kids it isn’t enough for the job that they have graciously accepted. The system is completely broken and unfortunately it is only hurting innocent kids. A complete overhaul of the whole system along with additional yearly training should be mandatory for the courts, and every agency that deals with the placement and reunification of these precious kids


Yes! Also foster parents should get free child care. This would remove a huge barrier and allow more people to volunteer.

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This is a huge issue and there needs to be a huge overhaul, but we need some more detailed proposals, we have to do better.