Who cares if large farmers go bankrupt? Where does the concern for the perpetrators and catalysts come from? They are LITERALLY poisoning the well and your concern is for them?
I’ve spent so much time thinking about this. The large multi thousand acres farmers, the corporate farms. What would be the consequences of an immediate rules and market shift?
If you are indeed THEE farmer John, you know that no one can farm more than 1000 acres organically, unless maybe hay or hemp. So big guys…abd I love this part… HAVE TO GO SMALL(ER) OR GO HOME, .
Who cares if they go bankrupt, quit, abandon land and farms. Who cares of plots are broken up and sold at auction. WHO CARES. It NEEDS to happen, and that’s what healing and revitalization of rural areas and communities looks like, and I’m honestly shocked that someone like yourself finds value in seeking an imaginary middle ground and grey area on this, and if you are who I think you are, is actually contrary to your own values. Why continually stand in the way of what is the only answer. There is no value in preserving Big Ag mega farms, no matter how “legacy” they may be.
And just to be clear, entertaining ideas that it’s not possible to go full organic, means allowing SOME poison to be in our food/land/water/air… so what I’m getting at is why is there this conditioned response from gurus that our values should not be imposed on the perpetrators, when no matter how you slice it, THAT’S the only moral position. And anything less than that is IMMORAL, and continues to sacrifice the health of the masses.
How do I communicate I respect you a lot, but either change message, or be quiet.
To be clear, if the law protected ME and my farm from drift and runoff, AND MY well water was free from nitrates and other farm chemicals, I would not probably offer an opinion. But the jig is up, and time is up. All one need do is look at Europe to see what our future will be here. No mega farms, no false advantage due to Chem tech, enabling industrialized scaling.
Be POSITIVE FARMER JOHN! Think possible, not impossible! And no sympathy for the devils.