Focus on a cure for autism

There are children and adults with a diagnosis of autism who want to be cured. These kids deserve to be heard and they deserve to have people believe that they can be cured. I am upset that this is a controversial topic. If you have autism and you don’t want to be cured that’s your right, but stop being the loudest and speaking for everyone else. My son wants to be cured. These kids took one for the greater good. They deserve all hands on deck to find a cure for this epidemic. I believe it is possible especially once we find the cause. All things are possible with God.


My son is starting to spell and all he talks about is being trapped by his autism. They want to break out and be healthy and free of the afflictions of autism. They deserve a cure, especially since they were one of the original canaries in the coal mine.


Let’s go!!!


The toxic world we live in is the cause for all disease and health conditions. There are 3000 to 4000 chemical food additives, much of which are meant to get people addicted. Hundreds of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides being used on our crops and more being developed each year. Toxic vegetable oils, hydrogenated oils, are a major cause for all sorts of metabolic disorders. All personal care products are full of chemicals. etc, etc. The first thing you can do is have your son eat only pasture raised meats, eggs, dairy, and organic fruits and steamed vegetables, especially garlic, onions and other cruciferous veggies. Low carbs, no wheat, make your own Kefir and L-Reuteri yogurt. Cod liver oil w/vitamin K2, Vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C foods, nutritional yeast. NAC and cruciferous vegetables help detox the body of all these chemicals. hope that helps for starters .


Easy way to fix autism, just git rid of the clot shots and other poison shots. This also fixes SIDS, and other childhood diseases.


I should add to feed your kids organic food.


Thanks Brian please hit the Vote button above.


Thanks Rufus please hit the vote button above.

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Did you know that heavy exposure to aluminum and other heavy metals can cause Autism? Look it up and learn the link between the two. Did you also know that the increased incidents of Autism in America is only recent, and the numbers are skyrocketing (Look it up on the internet)? Makes you wonder, why the sudden increase, doesn’t it?

What if I shared with you that the dramatic rise in Autism in this country occurred at approximately the same time as open chemical spraying in our skies? Not enough? OK, then…what if I told you that the primary ingredient found in the chemicals that are sprayed in chemtrails is…drumroll… ALUMINUM OXIDE and BARIUM. Starting to get some logical traction here?

Perhaps, while we are looking for cures to Autism, we might also be trying to find the source of the epidemic and fix it as well? Banning the illegal spraying of Aluminum dust all over our private properties, children, food and clothes, is probably a good start, don’t you think? Thanks.


Granted I am not a doctor, but I have had reason to look at this topic, and have looked at it. It is caused by a problem with parts of the brain and/or a kind of mismapping of the brain. If the prson has enough will and understanding, they may b abl to improve to a degree, but it isn’t a cure. And there are supplements and/or drugs that can help, but not 100%. ALSO, there are some GENETIC diseases and problems that are often misdiagnosed as ASD. One such one is CDD. CDD sems to likely be due to some ailment or poisoning, or simply an over pruning of neurons. There are several prunings of neurons, and one occurs roughly around 2yo, and that is the worst one, because a problem there can REALLY stunt the brain’s growth.

SueK and Brian.Louis107 at least have good ideas! BTW, Heavy Metals, like SueK talks about, and some of the things Brian talks about, are and MAY BE, PERMANENT! You can BUILD on the remains of the problem, but not get rid of the old damage.

As for what Sue Said about aluminum, there is a lot of evidence to suggest she is right. Aluminum today is in almost EVERYTHING! The doctors even gave me tablets, after an operation, that I have to take for the rest of my life. THEY are colored with a dye based on ALUMINUM! We have aluminum cans and packaging, and balloons, antiperspirant, toothpaste, etc… And it isn’t just aluminum. Lead, Cadmium, Nickle, and many other metals are bad as well. Lead has actually made children retarded so fast that the doctors don’t even suspect the damage until it has become VERY apparent.

Autism is mostly what they call a mirror neuron disease. Other neurons are often affected of course,but the mirror neuron problem is suspected as the first to occur, and is the ONE thing that LFA, HFA, and AS ALL have in common. It is the ONE symptom they all require for a diagnosis. AS, BTW, has been SO misdiagnosed that rather than get rid of the problem , with doctors misdiagnosing it, they have decided to remove it from the DSM!

But PLEASE don’t dedicate money to trying to SOLVE the problem. It will just be a needless waste!

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A cure would be wonderful! They also need to figure out the cause, it’s something in our environment that is the culprit!

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The cause? Guaranteed it’s childhood vaccines and the chemicals in foods!


Wow - I would never go on anybody’s post and say that their hopes and dreams for their child was a waste of money. That is cruel, and since you’re not a doctor you should not have said that. Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with the suramin studies before jumping to conclusions that these kids are a waste of money.


We finally need a voice in the federal government to focus on Autism as a medical epidemic. When my son was diagnosed in 2004 the CDC said it was 1 in 100 children affected. Look at today’s stats……

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 36 children in the United States is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in 2024:

  • Prevalence: ASD affects 2.3% of all American children.
  • Gender: Boys are diagnosed with ASD at a rate that’s four times higher than girls.
  • Race and ethnicity: White children have a 2.4% prevalence of autism, while Black and Hispanic children have higher rates at 2.9% and 3.2%, respectively.
    • Increase: ASD prevalence in the US has increased by 312% since 2000.

Our kids deserve more and I hope and pray now is the time our federal government will finally focus on this issue


Yes, we need research for a cure for Autism.
It is concerning to me that a law removed all liability of the pharmaceutical companies for vaccines in the 80’s. The only company not held liable in the USA. In the 90’s there was an explosion of autism. I find it all highly suspect. Remove their liability immunity and find a cure. I’d like to see the drug companies fund, not do, research, treatments and appropriate housing for the vast number of people who will need substantial care for life.


NRF2 activation

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If it is the case that pediatricians are paid for every child they get fully vaccinated before the age of two then that IS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST. How can I “first do no harm” if I’m focused on injecting my patients in order to make $$$? This practice is an obvious detriment to our precious, innocent children.


Beautifully said. Thank you for speaking out. I fully agree.
Autism=Deficiency + toxicity
We have the receipts to show.
Founded by 2 dads who dance in the same tribe as you!
Let us know if we can help.
God bless.

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I am very saddened by your remark as a parent. It’s never a waste of time or money to try to find a cure to help a child. Every child has a right for a cure. I love my cousins and I would do anything to try to find a cure for them. They have wonderful parents and they try everything to keep fighting for them. I keep praying for all sorts of cures. Cancer,CRPS and Autism. Please never give up.

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Besides toxins in food and the environment, genetic variants are a cause of Autism, ADHD, & Intellectual Disability. There are over 7000 monogenic diseases caused by these variants. Genetic researchers and AI have great potential to treat these disorders. For example FragileX syndrome is a large cause of Autism. There are other variants that cause Autism too. Unfortunately , funding for research is lacking. Parents of affected children are forced to raise their own money or start foundations to help their kids. It’s not right. The technology is there to help, genetic treatments are feasible to help, drug repurposing could help, AI definitely could help, but this is not a priority for our government to help our kids. Yes, focus on cures not only for Autism, but also for treatments for genetic flaws that cause Autism, ADHD, & Intellectual Disability.