Make Autism 1 in 10,000 Again

Despite the current rate of 1 in 36 children being diagnosed with autism, our health agencies continue to undermine research that connects various toxins—including vaccines, pesticides, and air pollution—to autism. Furthermore, they have proposed no strategies for mitigating autism risk or developing treatments based on the impact of these toxins on the human body.

We are decades behind where we should be in terms of autism treatment.

Genetics research related to autism is proving unproductive, and funding for it should be limited to studies that consider exposure to toxins. Such research will not lead to effective treatments unless it addresses how environmental toxins influence genetic expression and mutations in both parents and their offspring.

Ultimately, our focus must be on reducing the risk of autism by decreasing environmental toxin exposure and developing treatments to help individuals recover from prenatal and postnatal toxin exposure, regardless of when the autism diagnosis occurs.

As a society, our goal should be twofold: to lower the risk of autism in future generations and to find effective treatments for individuals with autism today.

Children, adults, and parents affected by autism deserve a better quality of life.

The CDC and NIH have failed them all.


  1. Limit funding for genetics research on autism to studies that account for exposure to toxins.

  2. Focus funding for autism treatment research on non-drug-based therapies aimed at recovery from toxin exposure, such as improving the microbiome and overall health by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

  3. Increase liability for industries responsible for releasing toxins linked to autism. Immunity from liability—such as that provided by the PREP Act or proposed legislation shielding pesticide manufacturers—violates the constitutional right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These rights are infringed upon when immunity is granted to vaccine manufacturers and other industries seeking protection from accountability for harming human life.


I am mother to monozygotic identical triplets. All three have autism. They were born at 26 weeks weighing 2.7, 2.5, and 2.1. They received all their shots at the same time and exposed to the same environments for the first 3 years of life. I believe that there is a strong correlation between the weight/development of a child and the vaccine dose. My sons were given the same dose on the same day. The one who weighed the most had the highest functionality while the one who weighed the least, displayed the more severe signs. My sons are now 18 years old. Since then, they have been subjected to different traumas that still do not override their basic level of social functioning.

I recently started focusing on a heavy metal detox, reducing inflammation, and nerve repair through various supplements:

• Colloidal silver & colloidal gold
• Grounding sheets for improved sleep
• Wormwood & black walnut
• Dextox baths
• Tumeric (liquid)
• Cilantro (liquid)

Of course, it would be better if they ate the foods with the nutrients they need, but that is one of the challenges of the disability. My sons adopted new foods from watching their typically developing peers eat them and being encouraged by neurotypical peers to eat them. However, schools tend to isolate their disabled students as they age which restricts their learning/growth. They can not grow engulfed in a self contained classroom with individuals struggling just like them.

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I agree. The school choice for special needs students is ineffective. Many of the educators take this route because they get a better salary and they are not accountable if the students do not learn. I had to take my son from the public school (special education class) because the teachers were not doing anything to help him. The speech therapist would come to the school once a week and provide group therapy to the students who were non- verbal. Everything related to the special education in public schools is a joke.

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Child developmental therapist here that specializes in autism. I see many kids that have the autism diagnosis that I believe is incorrectly diagnosed. The majority of these children can not regulate their emotional systems because they lack the proper engagement. Unfortunately autism has become a business. We have to be better about diagnosing and early intervention that supports social-emotional learning and the parent-child relationship.