Statistically, there are 550,000 children in Foster Care at any given time in America. I would be encouraged to participate in or see a complete overhaul, investigation and dismantaling of the current BROKEN Foster Care System.
These children often times grow up with little to no skills that would help them to become emotionally stable, productive members of society. They are forgotten and in some cases lost between the cracks of a system bursting at the seems.
According to an analysis of statutes by “Shared Hope”, my home State of Ohio scored an “F” on ways that they are preventing exploitation and trafficking of these very vulnerable and already hurting children.
Something should be done to reimagine how we will house and treat these children once in our care. The system, as it has functioned for many years with virtually no accountability, is not operating in the best interests of the children. It currently does more damage than good and should be closely examined, overhauled and then reimagined.
I imagine a world where instead of children coming out of foster care broken, they come out well rounded, educated, emotionally stable, happy adults. I believe this is possible. But only if the current system is removed and replaced with something new and different.