News stations often push false news stories and rhetoric. If they are fined up to $100,000 for every verified false news story that they publish or report, I think the amount of fake news will begin decreasing over time.
They have very deep pockets. Money is no issue. They pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to people to continue spreading the rhetoric. Making them recant their statements would have a greater impact on them!
$5000 is pennies to a news agency. Get the FCC involved to remove their license.
See all/any of the other anti propaganda votes listed
Impossible. This would be censorship and just who would decide what is “fake news?” Not a good idea. We need to put all information out there and let the people discern what is fake and what isn’t. Trust the American people….they can are smart enough to spot what is erroneous.
“Verified” false news stories. Meaning if you go to the source and they are blatantly lying about it, then they should be fined.
Make them “license’” themselves as a News outlet. This comes with a requirement to back up what they say with facts. Otherwise they peddle “opinions”