Federal Elections adding Speaker of the House

When holding the Federal Election, we should also vote on who We the People would like as the Speaker of the House.
Then Whoever wins the House, Republic or Democrat… We The People have chosen.
IF the Speaker is 3rd in line, WE THE PEOPLE should get to decide.

How would that work if We the People voted for Bob the Bureaucrat, and Bob loses his reelection race? The Speaker has the ability to call, or prevent any bill from coming to the floor for a vote, so how would that work if We the People elected a Democrat Speaker and a Republication majority. We elect the people who elect the Speaker today.

Did you mean a 3 person canidate. President, VP & speaker? Just like Pres & VP are voted for together now?


Im saying, We shoud get to say who the speaker is, Specifically if they are 3rd in line…