FBI Reform/Closure

Where’s Jeffrey Epstein’s client list? Where’s Hunter Biden’s laptop? Where’s Seth Rich’s laptop? Where’s Anthony Wiener’s laptop? Where’s Hillary Clinton’s email server? Where’s the laptop of that DNC worker?
Wheres the Diddy videos?

The FBI is sitting on all of them.

That’s how it controls the US government.

We need major reform or closure of the entire FBI. Create swiftly, a newly formed investigative agency with total transparency & accountability.

“When a crime is not punished swiftly, the people have no fear to do wrong.” Ecc 8:11


You’re not wrong.

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FBI reform is a MUST! When Congress requests all of the documentation of an investigation from the FBI and it’s not provided, why are there no consequences?

There needs to be criminal charges brought up on the FBI with specific laws that prevent covering up investigstion details from Congress and the American public.

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Agree - the FBI has gone way off track - is more a part of the Justice problems we face, such as unlawful searches. Reform now or get rid of it!!

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