Fast Track Emerging Solutions

Create a pipeline to fast track implementation of scientific discoveries, medicine and emerging technologies that solve major problems we are facing regardless of financial incentive.

Quick examples off the top of my head:
Sodium and saltwater batteries
Hydrogen engines and infrastructure
Verticle farming and 3D ocean farming
Effective Medicines in the FDA backlog that have been ignored in favor of more profitable but less effective alternatives

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I agree that emerging solutions need support. I suggest also including emerging methodologies such as regenerative farming and lifestyle-based medicine. Safe technologies + new methods can take us into a world with less chronic disease, healthier children, cleaner environments, and more sustainable economies.

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Why not offer financial rewards for turning new ideas into reality? When DARPA needed robots, they created a contest with the winner receiving funding.

DARPA Robotics Challenge
Launch Challenge

I’d love to see something similar for the development of cancer cures. Let’s offer financial rewards for practical solutions in energy, health, and transportation, while cutting funding for ideas that have no viable future benefit.


Imo It shouldn’t take a decade for todays breakthroughs to become publicly available. Especially when it’s something that can be the difference between life and death, or holds the solution to a problem that is currently spiraling out of control.