Farmers rights to reuse seeds

This policy grants farmers the freedom to save, reuse, and share seeds from their harvests. It is designed to support small-scale and traditional farmers, reduce their dependency on commercial seed companies, and promote biodiversity through local seed sharing. Key provisions include the right to reuse seeds, exemptions from patented seed restrictions for small-scale use, support for community seed banks, and educational programs for sustainable farming practices.


This is a definitely must do. Being in the farm world for a long time it is a travesty what these corporations and politicians have done. When a farmer can process and use his own seeds from his crop he can afford to plant.


I wasn’t aware of this until a few days ago. A video from RFK detailed this extensively. This is a very corrupt system. Sorry, i don’t have a link to share but it’s should be easy to search. I recommend everyone seeks and watches it.


Farmers need to be released from the chains of big corporations that impose cost, seed, and many other restrictions on them. They should be growing NON-GMO / Organic seeds ONLY. Monsanto has no place in our food, or anywhere else for that matter.


All these stupid laws were just made to fill the pockets of evil people. FREE THE FOOD. We should have an over abundance of food. HEALTHY FOOD. It is beyond ridiculous for any agency to regulate seeds being saved for planting next year.


Make any patent (past, present and future) on living things , like seeds, illegal like it use to be. Seeds are alive and can grow, but nowadays big companies are strangling small farmers because they want their GM seeds and other types to be the only ones that get planted.


This would do so much good for our people, our food quality and our farmers. It would lower costs for farmers making it easier for them to grow more food and supply it to the people at a lower cost. It could likely create more jobs due to needing people to help effectively harvest seeds for reuse.
I could see this being revolutionary!


Yes and planting what they want to plant and having enough land to rotate crops etc. They’ll be getting assistance with new leadership and maybe also assisting with gardening (fruits and veggies as well). Definitely no more GMO seeds or glyphosate, etc.


Not sure which RFK video you’re speaking of, but here is the principal idea very well explained;Rules against Seed Reuse on Large Farms with a bit of humor added :smile:


And hopefully we are going back to the Creator with non GMO. :pray:


Would help farmers significantly and lower cost of groceries!


It’s not just seed. They (meaning the ag chemical companies) are working on bioengineering soil bacteria to work symbiotically with seed and chemical.

That has the potential to be devastating to native soil flora and needs to be stopped immediately.

Anyone who’s ever experienced “roundup ready” goat grass should understand the potential for genetic drift. It cannot be recalled.


think you should include the term “heritage seeds”. heritage seeds are not gmo. if you mean gmo seeds, then … i thought the seeds from gmo crops were sterile. in any event farmers should be free to plant. any crime from sharing seeds, planting seeds should be off the books. corporate gmo seeds are proprietary and come with a whole slew of rules and regulations. as far as i know heritage seeds are not regulated. i did read a news blurb about a heritage crop that was wind pollinated by a gmo crop. the heritage crop farmer lost the lawsuit which is wrong. i also am aware of very limited supply and kind of heritage corn seeds.


For this1000%… out of votes


Yes this!! Should also make it illegal to patent seeds if possible, they’re living things and they spread on their own


When I was little, I remember my Dad germinating seeds in a small dish every Spring to help determine which grain that he had in storage was going to be the best for the upcoming planting season. Seemed like pretty innocent and practical to me.


I was under the same impression as you.

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I have been an independent contract seed producer and a grower. I am always a proponent for personal private property rights however if you limit technology companies from deriving profits from their investments and innovations you will remove incentive for innovating.
There needs to be a balance between making a return on investments and private property rights. Innovation is essential to humanity’s survival and relying on the state or university system to supply these innovations is not a solution.

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This is caused by the 1980 patent laws. That’s the specific legislation I wrote a topic to have overturned along with antitrust legislation against the 4 companies controlling the seed industry including a foreign owned company. Patent laws are what protect seed propriety and you would have to specifically overturn that because it’s the loophole at which they use to do this.


Not only should there be a right to re-use seeds for ALL people, there should be a system to identify if you have the highest quality seed. Is it a GMO seed most people shouldn’t want? People would reach out for the best seeds if they could trust that they are from an Amish farm for 200 years without the GMOs.