Farm Your Yard: Empowering Homeowners to Keep Chickens and Grow Gardens

In central NY I’m not even allowed to farm my farm! 38 acres and am being blocked from clearing drainage ditches to reduce flooding, plant climate resilient crops like hay/clover, and sell at the farmers markets. Land developers want to shut down small farmers like me for a quick cheap land grab! Everyone deserves a right to feed themselves! Everyone should have their own poultry! Make NY farms great again! Mandate that small organic regenerative farming can continue. We all deserve a right to farm policy, especially working farms in ag districts in NYS! C’mon NY! Do better!


I couldn’t agree more! Giving homeowners and landowners their rights back to become more self sufficient is such a common sense approach. Level the playing field and let the free market decide what’s best.


I heard a Belgium city gave residents of their community 3 chickens each. The end result lowered a significant amount of waste in their landfills.


Y’all need to know about the chicken tractor. It’s a mobile chicken coop that you move around your yard so the chickens can fertilize and forage as you move it day by day. There are store bought and DIY versions available to fit most any yard size.


Also I encourage you to note that chickens come in meat and egg varieties. Don’t go eating your egg chickens, or trying to get eggs out of your roasters!


We should also include a way for people to learn how to grow food and then dehydrate, can and freeze.


Excellent proposal I think every single home owner could potentially get behind this I love this idea :us:


Thankfully, roosters aren’t needed unless you want to get chicks.


That was also done in the US during the great depression, I believe.


Yes! I agree


This is extremely important to the agrarian aspect of an American production society. This allows for citizen autonomy, less regulation and reliance on Big Gov’t.


I would like to add incentives for bees.:

Government subsidies to encourage bee hive expansion.

More flowers for pollination.

Tax deduction for the cost of bee removal rather than extermination.

Public service announcements regarding the importance of bees and their risk of extinction. This should include information what we can do to support the increase in the bee population.


We have all been held hostage by this government. I am so sorry this is happening to you. I am praying that we will be free again soon!


Sure. Honestly, people lived with roosters for hundreds of years without a big problem. We have gotten so out of touch with the sounds of nature.


We have a food forest, mostly fruits and edible perennials. Great for the environment and soil. We have chickens & bunnies but no eggs lately. Everyone who can should grow our own food. So rewarding.


This is a must for all Americans :farmer:


While I love the idea of sustainability, gardening is wonderful and all homes should be able to garden. But where animals are concerned chickens, etc…This is a bit more tricky. HOA’s are definitely a concern, in addition, many communities are not equipped with the responsibility of animal ownership. Look at cat’s and dogs in this country. The last thing needed is additional animal cruelty or abandonment situations in our communities either.

I can also speak of immigrants from other countries not having the same culture towards animals we do also. My parents have legal immigrants from Egypt, Romania, the Philippines etc… around them and they absolutely do not care for animals like we do. This is a cultural issue that will have to be considered with particular rules around it for many communities!! States and communities should have the right to decide for themselves, but every single American should be allowed to garden as they see fit.

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I believe if u saw our yard you would think differently. Gardens are a lot of work. Food forests are self sustaining especially when animals do most of the work.


Love the food forest idea…thanks for sharing! What an amazing forum to be able to propose ideas and build and expand on them.

Yes, gardens can be labor intensive but think either solution could be great path towards self sufficiency. I think educating people on self sufficiency is key. I think it will open their eyes up to all the beneficial possibilities of growing and raising your own food, even if it’s a small start. I myself just got introduced to gardening (outdoors, indoor hydroponics, etc.) and also native plants. I started small and hope to expand in the years to come. This is my hope for other people as well.


I love this. When people come to visit they usually try to mimic my ideas. There is no wrong way, but some ways are much easier than others and there’s a lot of misinformation. Most people want easy & productive. Mulberries, blueberries and strawberries are the easiest along with wild edibles. I found turkish rocket this year and it’s a perennial brassica. It self seeds and i’m still harvesting in November. Jerusalem artichokes are another abundant provider much like a potato but u can eat them raw and they’re great for diabetics and microbiome.