Establish an official age of adulthood and adjust all government policies accordingly

Establish a single age of adulthood (recommend 20).

ALL government policies (federal and state) should then be updated to adhere.

This would include health, licensing, voting, taxing, alcohol, etc.

You are either an adult or an adolescent. There is no situational variance. This policy should provide direction on the expectation for ALL policies to adhere by an “age of adulthood” and that age can/should be defined as XY (e.g.20) if not otherwise agreed by 2/3 of Congress for a different age in an addendum policy.

If one can believe the science, most people’s brains don’t full mature until the early to mid 20’s. Females tend to mature sooner while males towards later. This infers that there is a situational variance. If we could devise a means of testing to accommodate the variance or at least a minimum standard at which to classify someone as an adult it would be helpful. Interesting idea though.