The UNWRA has knowingly employed literal terrorists who participated in the October 7th attack, disseminated violent and hateful values in their schools, and has perpetuated a conflict status between two peoples that could’ve been declared settled decades ago. Unlike every other refugee organization, it confers the status of refugee on every descendant of the original “refugees” rather than considering them resettled like in every similar conflict in the world. They are a force for war and conflict and have reliably not fulfilled their mandate, leaving Palestinians impoverished while Hamas uses their facilities and the soil underneath it to invest in evil and violence.
They were formed to assist the refugees in palestine in 1948. They have worked into become a world funded open budget for Hamas and the refugees it was suppose to help. They have used funds to create school books, training camps, that both have children believing dying while killing a Jew is the best way to die. This is not what children should be thinking of with billions of dollars invested in their futures. Unfortunately UNWRA become a corrupt arm of Hamas.
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