Hi there, Joseph. What if we replaced the Department of Education with a universal knowledge system- Quantum Education System- privatized, and helmed by Parents and Students? Humanitarian funded opportunities to learn on the go, within neighborhood centers, or at home individually. Parents develop their learning environments, with plenty of assistance, and students work their own way through the curriculum as they choose, with learning passion as a guide. I agree. No more Big Government Education- one size fits all!
This would work, i dont think it should JUST be parents and students. Youd have to have teachers or something. It could be directed by parents if thats what you meant. Id totally go for that solution. As lets face it depending upon where you live. Your knowledge for life isnt what someone else is. As its been proven statistically most people do not leave where they grew up. As such the teaching should reflect this. Example i grew up in an area where aircraft was huge part of work there. But lets face it learning principals of farming not very helpful where i grew up. As to grow thats what collage is for. To expand past your area and the community your living in. Thats what it was originally suppose to be anyhow. So that you could change and grow out of what was around you if you wanted to.
I am in complete agreement with this. I love your ideas! I was going to start a new post in regards to something very similar. We definitely need to change the way we are educating our children and drop the common core requirements through 12th grade! Ourselves & our own children have been required to spend all of those years of their education wasted on knowledge that will not develop anyone into world leaders, (this was on purpose when you find out who funded this) inventors, business owners & leaders of the future. There is a program based out of Texas that is a 2 hour learning model of which I am inquiring about. However, it hasn’t reached my town here in the U. S. yet. The current education system & requirements do not support innovation & creativity or a future for our children. Education should not be a fit in a box, black & white model. I was recently told Canada students can finish their education at 16. I am for finishing the basic education much sooner. The current model should be completely, abolished & reinvented to match our future. And all families should be able to send their children off to specialized education in a particular field such as engineering, technology, architecture and many others at a much earlier age then the current education model. No more 5 days a week 8 hours a day of this rinse & repeat wasted time on English, Math, History, Spanish. And more on science, technology, innovation, entrepreneurship.