End PACs, Union, Lobbyist corporations, NGOs donations in Elections , One elected position only

Proposed Government Reform Policy


This policy seeks to promote transparency, accountability, and integrity in government, aiming to reduce the influence of career politicians, special interest groups, and financial interests in politics. By instituting term limits, closing loopholes, restricting post-office benefits, and enhancing voter involvement in the evaluation of elected officials, we strive to return government to the people it serves.

  1. Term Limits for Elected Officials
  • Policy: Elected officials at all levels of government (local, state, and federal) shall be subject to term limits. No individual may hold more than one elected government position at any given time or run for another elected office once their current term ends.

  • Rationale: This ensures a rotating leadership that prevents career politicians from consolidating power and pursuing personal political ambitions, reducing the risk of corruption and political entrenchment.

  1. Restrictions on Stock Trading & Financial Conflicts of Interest
  • Policy: Government employees, including elected officials, must not engage in stock trading or financial transactions that could result in conflicts of interest while serving in office. Any holdings that could pose a conflict must be divested.

  • Rationale: This reduces the potential for corruption or undue influence in decision-making, ensuring that politicians’ financial interests do not undermine the public good.

  1. Elimination of Lifetime Health Benefits for Elected Officials
  • Policy: Elected officials and senior government employees will not be entitled to lifetime health benefits once their terms of service have ended.

  • Rationale: Ending lifetime health insurance for former government officials ensures that public resources are spent efficiently and that former officials are treated in the same manner as average citizens once they leave office.

  1. Revocation of Clearances and Agency Positions Post-Term
  • Policy: Upon the end of their term, elected officials will immediately lose all security clearances and any positions within top government agencies.

  • Rationale: This eliminates the potential for former officials to leverage their former positions for personal or political gain, and ensures that classified information is not misused.

  1. Federal Job Term Limits for Senior Positions
  • Policy: Senior positions in federal agencies, including appointed officials and top-level bureaucrats, will be subject to term limits to prevent long-term entrenchment in the system.

  • Rationale: This promotes a more dynamic, responsive government, with leadership that reflects changing political and social priorities.

  1. Ban on Media Appearances for Former Officials
  • Policy: Former top government officials will be prohibited from appearing as regular commentators or hosts on major mainstream media outlets, or serving in influential roles in nonprofit organizations that seek to influence public policy.

  • Rationale: This policy seeks to minimize the undue influence of former government officials on public discourse and policy, ensuring that media coverage and nonprofit activities are not dominated by a small group of people with close ties to government.

  1. Abolition of Political Action Committees (PACs)
  • Policy: The creation of Political Action Committees (PACs) will be banned. Political donations will be limited to individual contributions only, with full traceability and accountability for every donation made.

  • Rationale: PACs and large corporate donations have become a means for special interest groups to disproportionately influence elections and policy. By limiting donations to individuals and ensuring they are fully traceable, we promote a fairer, more transparent political system.

  1. Lobbyist and Union Influence Restrictions
  • Policy: Lobbyists, unions, and corporations will be prohibited from making significant financial contributions to political campaigns or influencing policy decisions through large donations.

  • Rationale: The influence of lobbyists and corporate interests on the political process has resulted in policies that favor special interests over the public good. This policy seeks to curb such influence and restore power to individual voters.

  1. Public Performance Scorecard for Elected Officials
  • Policy: A publicly accessible, transparent “scorecard” system will be implemented to allow citizens to evaluate the performance of their elected officials. This scorecard will include metrics related to voting behavior, public statements, transparency, responsiveness to constituent needs, and other relevant criteria.

  • Rationale: Providing voters with an objective, measurable way to assess their elected officials encourages accountability and fosters a closer connection between representatives and their constituents. Citizens will have a direct tool to hold officials accountable during elections and throughout their terms.

Implementation Timeline

  1. Year 1-2: Introduction of legislation to implement term limits for all elected offices, including federal, state, and local. Implementation of ban on PACs and restrictions on stock trading.

  2. Year 2-3: Passage of laws to eliminate lifetime health benefits and secure clearances, as well as introduce federal job term limits for senior positions.

  3. Year 3-4: Development of performance scorecard platform, with public feedback mechanisms.

  4. Year 4-5: Full implementation of media appearance restrictions and transition away from PAC funding.


This policy is designed to reshape the relationship between government and the public by enforcing term limits, eliminating undue influence from special interests, and ensuring greater transparency in elected officials’ actions. By implementing these reforms, we seek to return government to its true purpose: serving the interests of the people, not political elites or corporate donors.

I don’t think we need to go that slow for total implementation. Ending PACs by year 5-6 means another presidents election at risk and numerous other electorates. We need to end all these organizations asap. If we are all fair with each other and a true Republic, there should be no issue of who voted for who.

I want to be able to watch the voting of our officials in real time and recorded. Tally these votes by Bill name so if they run for reelection we can go back to these records to study.

I want every bill to be for one issue and no additions to it. They should be able to vote on them within days instead of arguing and filibustering

Congress should be a voluntary job, with term limits. It is a civic duty and an honor.

Congress does not have to gather in DC, everything can be virtual.

Every elected official needs to be more transparent and personable with the people that vote. We need more frequent town halls, virtual is acceptable, take time to talk to us that employ them. Once a month is good. Their resumes need to include their experience, voting record and donations made by them as well as to their campaign.

Every new person requesting to be in office needs to present the voters with their resume, not the advertising cards in the mail. Their resumes should have integrity with blockchain (all employees should have their resumes like this).

I would love the implementation of all these quickly as well… PACs etc especially… So if they can implement them a lot sooner I would be thrilled.

And you are correct it is a honor to serve in these positions yet I don’t want career politicians that make it a lifetime of ladder positions in our government.

Like your ideas as well. We are in a digital world and they should use those conveniences to better serve their constituents!

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