Law: “The People’s Integrity Act”
No member of Congress shall accept any campaign contributions, funds, assets, or favors (including trips, vacations, or gifts) from any Political Action Committee (PAC), whether corporate, super PAC, or otherwise. All political donations over $3,000 must be publicly disclosed in real time, and any lobbying efforts must be fully transparent with public records of all interactions. Violators will face significant fines, disqualification from holding office, and potential criminal prosecution.
We need to make sure that the people we elect to Congress-and in the (presidents) Cabinet-are working for us, not lining their pockets with money from corporations or billionaires like Soros and Bezos. Too often, politicians get bought and paid for, forgetting who they’re supposed to serve. It’s time for laws that stop these interests from influencing our leaders, so they can focus on what’s best for the American people.