Abolish Child Protection Services

Abolish the ability for any state or federal agency to remove a child from a home. Special circumstances warrant such a drastic action. Proper documentation of children’s movements are required.
The ability for an Adult to override what a Child has made as a statement cannot continue. Adults lie to put children away that they don’t want. They make up crimes that can’t be proven and that’s how they start getting involved with the foster care system.
It needs to be reformed. I’m a victim of the Oregon Children Services Division and so is my mother and father. For 8 years my father fought with the state to get me back home but instead they drained his bank account and increased his child support. Men need a better representation in the community of child rearing than by child support.


This agency definitely should be looked into. They take children more frequently than it is seen. Judges are also in cahoots…


Agreed. It has been corrupted beyond repair and is being used as a vehicle for child trafficking. It needs to be completely broken apart, throughly investigated to identify all criminality over the past 30 years, and a new institution created in its place that respects the Constitution and the God-given rights to Life, Liberty, and the Persuit of Happiness – **the Constitution even protects these same rights for American minors (our Founding Fathers gave no age distinctions in the Bill of Rights).

Agencies like these inherently ‘go bad’ when they have the full weight of the State and National government legal and financial resources behind them. As history has shown, they only have a limited shelf-life before they turn rancid and need to be disposed of, like any other package of stale crackers.