Totally agree, end foreign aid. There is no constitutional provision for the federal government to provide foreign aid to any nations of the world and when you look at many of the nations receiving foreign aid from America they are in fact our avowed enemies. We feed them and then go fight them. The definition of insanity is to repeat the same foolish action over and over again.
We need to stop foreign aid and charge for our services. Example we keep a carrier off of japan due to the treaty at end of WW2. We pay for the not them based on the treaty. Also south korea we pay for those troops to guard them. They need to contribute to their defense.
With foreign aid much just disappears. But is “ear marked” for improving a country. Really that’s their job to improve their country not ours. If Russia was to destroy a hospital in Ukraine. Its up to Ukraine to rebuild not the united states. Much of our foreign aid has just gone to others pockets. Why do you think these countries have never improved? Would you improve if someone was just going to pay you? Its finding wars and corruption. I don’t remember specifically if it was iran or Isreal that we have funds to. They advised they would use it for war. We told them they can’t do that. However that’s exactly what they did. Took their own funding away from housing, food, medical, education, and the like. Used our “ear marked” funds for it. This freeing up exactly the same ammount of funds to continue war. Explain to me how that’s not us funding their war? If they used their own money, they wouldn’t have had the finances to do it all.
If you want more proof how did we get russia to stop in cold war? By USA producing oil. We can out produce then and have more of it. This lowers cost of oil. Russia makes it’s money with oil. Cost of oil drops Russia can’t afford war. So yes we can easily end war in Ukraine by focusing on ourselves. Its how one war ended and how this war could easily end.
Unfortunately some of our allies would be overrun and eliminated with a total elimination. However we need accountability and transparency in any aid!