It has become abundantly clear that the current state of higher education in this country is not about higher education, but rather creating echo chambers for hate, bigotry, victim-ism, entitlement and financial slavery. Promoting degrees that don’t have jobs, not allowing different opinions to be spoken on campus all are aspects of this failing system. Today, the goal of higher education is no longer to educate and prepare but to indoctrinate and indebt individuals.
To this end, all funding federal funding to higher education establishments will be abolished. No contracts, grants, or other federally funded sources, either directly or indirectly (via contract with a third party), will be permitted going forward. Any institution in violation of this immediately lose their non-profit status and seized by the state of residence and the board and president will be held for defrauding the federal government.
No federal backed student loans. All loans will be backed by the universities.
If a potential student cannot qualify for university tuition, 3 years of active military service will be required with an honorable discharge being mandatory.
Cut the F-1 and M-1 student visa to 200, 000 per calendar year. In calendar year 2023 the active F-1 and M-1 student visa number was 1,503,649. This number must be reduced.
No subversive or anti American student groups on campus. Its not education related.