This easy simple act would help improve the quality of life of Americans and return the freedom we used to have to drive down our own highways without being forced to pay increasingly expensive tolls over and over again. As an example I live in a county where one of the two main roads is I-95. It runs thru the entire length of the county so it is an important part of our daily lives.
Unfortunately some Federal Highway Bureaucrat somewhere gave himself the power to put tolls on our highways that were known to be built and paid for with the federal gas tax. So that’s how we have a toll on each end of our county lines. That’s why we have to endure holiday or construction backups that have famously stretched thru the entire county, Cecil county, Md to pay a $2 toll. Then on the other end we have the $12 toll bridge, I’m guessing $12 because I’ve never paid it, Because like most the other locals we exit and go around the toll and then get back on. For the ones that have to pay the toll to get to work they can buy an easy pass and get a whopping, wait for it, 10% off the $12 toll.
Multiply that by all the Federal Tolls in America and you have BILLOINS of unnecessary added expenses of wasted gasoline , diesel, wasted time and labor, business costs, pollution , and aggravation . Tolls are a net negative expense on the country. Why put OURSELVES thru this toll? Why are we tolling ourselves?
This is simple and easy, we can do this. Please like this and check my next posting. Pretty sure it’s the most efficient healthcare system possible, with a trillion dollars in savings and a 90% + efficiency rate. Made for RFKJ and DOGE. No I’m not delusional, just curious. Thanks.
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It’s beyond crazy that we pay taxes to build the road and then get charged to drive on the very roads we just paid to build. And tolls are usually implemented for a “limited time”, but that never seems to end.