
Presidential Election Day should be a national holiday where every able body person gets the day off and votes in person. Of course with the exception of deployed military, elderly, handicapped, etc. Have every voting precinct tabulate their votes and send the totals to their Secretary of State. Then it’s simply a math equation to determine the winner of that state. Also we should eliminate the electronic tabulations of the ballots. I am confident that the individual states, Secretary’s of State can add ballots that only total into the millions to determine the candidate that their electoral votes go to.
Furthermore, the government should issue vouchers ($100.00) to every registered voter, to give to their candidate of choice and put limitations on the amount of money the candidate can spend on their effort. This would eliminate the multi million dollar contributions made from persons or organizations trying to buy policies. The spending of hundreds of millions of dollars on an election is ridiculous and needs to be stopped.