Monthly drug test on people with EBT.
I understand groceries are expensive at the moment, but us tax payers who work 40hrs a week are paying for these people who have EBT. If you look at the majority of people on EBT it’s low income, which I understand. The people should not be buying drugs with the money they find. Get up go to work like the rest of us and provide for the family the correct way.
People are drug tested to work the jobs that pay the income taxes for the EBT recipients. Great idea majority drug test to qualify and continue EBT benefits
This would lead to an incredible amount of poor starving drug addicts on the street, very dangerous. Incentivization must be provided through other avenues. My idealistic idea would be working rehab farms with an emphasis on holistic treatments such as Gerson Therapy, which can clear the body of hard drugs in a matter of days. There are other therapies that have been suppressed as well which should be incentivized before starvation.
While i don’t disagree with the idea. Drug testing that many people every month would cost the government A LOT of money.
It would cost less overall, because a lot of money would stop going to the people on drugs. I know a lot of people getting benefits, that are never parched, or without a deep inhale of… ‘fresh’ air. Too many people abuse the system. If I have to pass a drug test to have a job, why don’t people have to pass one to receive our tax dollars?
Yes this would be dangerous as it might actually be an incentive to stop getting high if you want to eat.
The funds used for EBT do not come from taxes. The funds come from the Social Security Trust. this is why they must use their social security number. These funds come from each person having an ss# in their ss account.
Addicts cannot simply choose to stop getting high.
Personally, I’d rather my tax money go towards the drug testing than to people who refuse to work
EBT is actually a state program.
That being said. I find that it is, basically, a hoax. EBT is a small part of our budgets. Drug testing these people will only make money for some big medical corporation and a kick back for some lobbyist somewhere. Then what do they do if a mother pops positive? Not feed the kids? Or put the kids into the largest sex trafficking ring in the country…the foster system?
No disrespect meant by my post. Each person is entitled to what he/she believes is best for this country. This are my feelings on it.
This is a great add on to what i was proposing. This will sure make the country stronger and better.
I understand the intent, but this is a bad idea for so many reasons
First, this is America and the government shouldn’t control what anyone does in their private life
Second, I understand that the majority of American society(referring predominantly towards suburbia) hasn’t seen the direct impacts of a city full of truly desperate drug addicts. You start drug testing and you will. The majority of heavy drug users are in suburban communities. Predominantly, white single mothers use welfare benefits. Predominantly, white women are addicted to Fentanyl and Meth.
Third, the majority of welfare recipients aren’t drug addicts. You know who uses EBT? US troops. Regularly. That’s how most survive.
Fourth, instead of penalizing drug use. Why not, try a humane approach of healing? Offer free public rehab paid for by Big Pharma?
The solution is balance
Take from this what you will. My husband was an addict. He worked hard his whole life despite his addiction. He was a very high functioning addict. He didn’t play around with just the small stuff. So there came a time when we needed help. My husband cut off his fingers at work. We had three sons and both of us. My measly little job at the time was not going to do anything for us. I am absolutely not a drug addict nor would have I ever have tested positive. Should my husband’s addiction punished the rest of us? I actually budgeted the food stamps that we got and only ever used a medical card for things that were actually needed. My husband never took anything from others. He made a lot of mistakes but he wasn’t a drain on society. After all of that he continued to work and worked even harder. Sometimes he would work 12 hours a day 7 days a week. I honestly don’t know how he did it. We never went to the hole because of me. Maybe if he would have been by himself it would have been more of a problem to receive the help because by himself he made out of had much control. I am conflicted on drug testing. There are a lot more variables here. Now you can’t just be living off the government, doing your drugs, and not working.
What is the humane approach? You can’t talk people out of using? There do need to be consequences to make people hit rock bottom. We already have plenty of outlets out there for people to get help but a lot choose not to. People are regularly presented with these options and ignore them. I definitely have sympathy for addicts because I’ve known many. I am not leave them in prison for the rest of their lives nor am I one for babying them into Extinction. That’s what’s happening in every city and state that made everything legal and decided to give them anything and everything they wanted. It kills them.
Quick message etiquette note:
Break up your statements and ideas. Don’t just smash everything together into a paragraph.
It gives off rambling. Take the time to break up your thoughts
NOT an attack. Constructive criticism.
To answer your question, again:
Have Big Pharma fund public rehab. Addiction Rehab is expensive, and inaccessible to most. Audit regularly
Make rehab, and prison, actually effective at rehabilitation. Partner it with Job Corp, and maybe even rehab through Peace Corp service program.
Improve capability of, and access to, mental, emotional, and physical healthcare
Compassion and balance
Just a quick weigh in on the meth note, there are some medications such as wellbutrin that are used for a wide variety of things. Its used for depression, anxiety, smoking cessation, as well as ADHD. This medication will also show up as a false positive as an amphetamine. So if the white suburban mother taking this medication fails this meth test due to this medication does she not get to feed her family now?
This sounds like you are agreeing with my perspective.
Maybe consider re-reading the statement
I absolutely disagree with drug test for EBT. It’s literally in the first part of my statement.
What is your purpose in choosing this particular path of questioning?
Well maybe it was meant to be rambling. Maybe it’s the way I want to get my point across. You can take your supposed critique and not criticize people actually trying to participate. You do things the way you want and I’ll do the things the way I want. My very long rant was a story to make a point. There was nothing to break up. Stick to what’s being talked about and not go off on an irrelevant tangent. It’s no less rambling when you break it up.
I never said I was disagreeing just adding an example and another perspective to go with it.
Tissue paper feeling, huh? Take that foolishness to X, Truth, Tok, and the Gram.
This is for policy. NOT feelings.
Go ramble on social media. NOT HERE.
This is a place for solutions, not whining