Divert Federal money away from Climate Change hoaxes


If you search this subject, or ‘google’ it, you find an overwhelming amount of time and effort has been put into labeling those who question climate change. I’m very suspicious of a large group of people insisting that this is confirmed science, and should not be questioned.

I propose the appropriate government oversight should stop the agenda and put money and time into valuable environmental polices that help we the people.

Stop allowing funding for those who continue the confirmed science nonsense.

Most thinking Americans understand the climate is changing, however, education about weather vs. climate is in order.

In the 70’s I had to listen to fears of the coming ice age, and ozone layer. Please folks, lets get real.


100%. This is a hoax to fatten the pockets of politicians. The world is greener, CO2 is plant food, and cheap energy such as coal and gas SAVES LIVES. Dismantle the windmills and stop killing whales and birds of prey.