The financial support provided to the custodial parent should represent only a portion of the broader goal of child support, which should be focused on both parents working collaboratively to raise their children. Currently, the system often disproportionately removes fathers—typically in 99% of cases—from active participation in their children’s lives post-divorce, with the courts predominantly concerned with the financial support provided to the custodial parent, usually the mother. This can create an environment where the custodial parent has unilateral control, potentially leading to instances of abuse and neglect. More concerning, the emotional and psychological well-being of the children is frequently overlooked, further exacerbating the long-term impacts on their development. The system should prioritize shared responsibility in parenting, ensuring both parents remain actively engaged in the emotional, psychological, and financial welfare of their children.
I am willing to promote this if you are as well and would even offer to collaborate. This is a huge billion dollar issue that has impacted almost every household, even those not involved directly with the “family court” i thought the end of title 4 and the chevron deference would have stripped them away but so far it hasnt. It need to finally end!
I believe they need to start with looking at back child support, If the child has been alienated from the non-custodial parent and the support should be forfeited , the Custodial parent should be charged with child abuse and custody of the child should be surrendered to the non-custodial parent.
My son’s dad’s family is extremely wealthy and they fought me for 7 years for my son. When my ex finally managed to get a guardianship over him he completely cut me out of my son’s life. I had never been in trouble with the law I had always been a very good mom but when I lost my child I lost my mind. The pandemic started very shortly after our last custody hearing, so I was unable to get in touch with a lawyer. During the pandemic I broke my back and I was unable to work for almost two years. Now I have been told that my driver’s license has been suspended for non payment of child support and that my ex is pushing me to be charged with a felony for failure to support my son! They claim I owe him over $30,000 and I have not been able to see or speak to my son in five years. My son is not allowed to speak to myself or his sister. He has been completely alienated from my entire family. The family court system is so messed up because they do not worry about what is best for the child. There is no reason a complete and total stranger (a judge) should be able to dictate What is best for a child, that they do not know. If a judge has to be the one to make the decision, lawyers should not be able to be involved. Both parents, the children and the judge should be the only ones in the hearing. In our last court hearing my ex had a better lawyer, He painted a picture as if I were some type of a monster and refused to allow my child to speak about what he experienced with his dad.
I agree on the matter but clarification is what is needed. Title IV D incentivizes child support to the states by promoting federal payment of $0.66 per every $1.00 collected in child support. This system creates a reason to remove decisions of child support to the parents which coincidentally undermines the fallacy family law operates under regarding the parents having the child’s best interest in mind before the courts. Dismantling the child support federal incentive would better suit the child support system currently in place. Furthermore due to vested interest of the state in such a preceding takes away any chance of fair and equitable inclusion under the law. Judges assume loyalty first to the state and that creates and uneven balance of power with an implicit bias. Full removal of federal incentive would balance the process. The children do deserve to have the representation of child support in the event the parents do not have a better alternative in place and the courts need to enforce it.
We need to Repeal Title IV D. Statistically children do better with both parents in there lives.
My child has been kidnapped under the color of law in effort to extort me for child support. The incentive to abuse children in order to receive child support causes immense trauma that last children for a lifetime. This must be stopped immediately!
Family court treats child like a financial transaction. They do not care about the emotional nor mental health and well being of children. Custodial parents should be required to take a parent course for at least a year to demonstrate their competence as a parent. I’ve seen too many children put with the wrong parent and the other parent is criminalized without evidence or guilty before proven innocent. I’ve seen too many parents act like incompetent robots because they have no idea what they are doing.