Direct to Citizen Tax Redistribution

Past efforts at tax redistribution by US federal and state governments typically involve taking tax money and putting it into programs that are proposed by lobbyists, approved by politicians. This is not working at promoting the wealth and prosperity of citizens. US citizens do not have money to reinvest into their wellbeing and prosperity. The current financial system is built to force the spending of savings so that citizens are kept with minimal excess funds. These guardrails must be removed.

Tax redistribution policy should send funds directly to citizens. Let citizens have the financial liberty and empowerment to spend on what they see as important. This will generate huge economic activity, as many citizens have a long list of wants and needs that are not being realized due to extremely acute precarity— a condition of living paycheck to paycheck on the verge of financial destitution. This is not the best way to run a society and it is destructive to mental wellbeing, as well as to personal liberty and independence.

Here is a rough breakdown as an example bh the numbers:

Household Income / Funds received in DTCTR
$0-20k / $30k
$21-40k / $20k
$41-60k / $10k
$61-80k / $7k
$81-100k / 3k
$100k+ / ——

These funds are only redistributed for citizens who make demonstrated effort to hold a job or run a small business.