The Home Learning Builder (HLB)
The HLB initiative will be life changing for families that find themselves in difficult educational circumstances
HLB takes about 30 seconds of introduction. (see the outline below) -Inadequate education is a fundamental threat to the long term viability of our Republic –For the “Voice of the People” to be meaningful it must be educated and informed.
The HLB public introduction (30 seconds):
{Presenter’s Pitch}
“In addition to school choice, we’re going to create the” Home Learning Builder” (the HLB) …This initiative will provide at-home, computerized tutors, that will allow challenged children to go home after school, sit at the kitchen table, and work with an (AI) tutor. The personalized tutor, working from his schoolteacher’s plan, will help him through his unique challenges every evening…He will no longer go to school, every day, only to be lost in class and unable to participate. The HLB tutor will also guide at-home educational supervision (if available), and optionally, bring in remote teacher monitors."**
How can the HLB help?
This is an additional program**, in addition to school choice, for strengthening our struggling public education system. I think that the HLB will rapidly grow and gain wide acceptance.
School choice, although laudable, has major challenges:
-The teachers unions and school systems oppose school choice. They are extensively locally controlled and largely outside of the Fed. Gov’s. reach.
-In general, private schooling is expensive, Increased demand will only make it more expensive.
-Logistically, transportation of urban children will be difficult and at times dangerous. How can challenged families (many single parented) working more than one job make this work? What happens when the child is dropped off, in darkness, when his parents aren’t even home? It seems likely that the kids, with single working parents, who need help the most will be the least able to avail themselves of it.
-I believe that the Parents, kids and teachers are trapped in a DOOM LOOP of low expectations…Are the Parents the problem? Are the kids the problem? Is the school the problem? Are the teachers the problem? Do We really understand how school choice will work at scale? What will happen as the troubled public-school systems collapse from lack of student enrollment?
-Shouldn’t we try to incrementally repair the public education system first, rather than risking the disruption of the entire system? I think that the HLB should be tested in a limited scale, only rolling it out after the community is confident of its safety and benefits.
Once a successful rollout of HLB is achieved, it will keep the public school system intact, help the teachers, keep the kids in their public schools, and work to help parents and children build a better home life.
Politics and prudence require that both school choice and HLB be offered, however, I believe that HLB will be much more practical, effective, and affordable. I also believe that any concerns regarding the introduction of AI biases can be alleviated by limiting the AI Tutor to teaching STEM course materials only. This would limit the teaching of the humanities to their “human”, public school teachers. The teachers will still provide the classroom lecture and teaching of STEM topics. The Teachers will then assign STEM homework for the evening, and the AI Tutors will support the assignment at home. Above all, I believe that teachers want to teach well and to see their students succeed! They know that if the students are getting their homework assignments done, and understood, it’s a solid win for everyone!
Yes, the teachers and their unions, and the school systems will love it (with some resistance).
Yes, the World of AI is here, and…
Yes, we need to help our challenged parents and children achieve success so that more families can own a piece of the American dream and MAGA!
Yes, we need to help our challenged parents and children achieve success so that more families can own a piece of the American dream and MAGA!