Desireto give of oneself

I feel we would all be so much healthier, both in body and mind, if we would allow each individual to have a self-worth which develops from using their unique abilities which are strengthened by refinement through loving education.
How do we get there? The process may be long, but I feel worth it. As it stands now, most people only know one system, the system they’ve lived in all their lives. Many if not all of us struggle to keep ourselves above water financially and many a marriage or relationship, as well as families have broken up due to inadequate finances. I believe every individual from the time they are born, maybe even in natal life too, should be given the tools to lead a healthy and giving life. Money should not be a hinderence to this healthy and giving life. The mindset of the people needs to turn away from accumulating wealth and power as the main goals of existence. Rather it needs to turn to creating a country, a world, where all may prosper.
I believe mych of our mental health issues stem from the constant financial strain. I believe all or most of crime stems from lack of being able to financially break our of the jail which is our monetary system.
I could talk longer, but I hope you can see my drift. Ask me to explain more if you don’t quite understand.

What is the actual proposal you are presenting here?


45x45 MKSJ
October 28

What is the actual proposal you are presenting here?

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I’m not a politician. I’m a doctor who contemplates what is laid out before me by the perfect universe and also the often corrupt ideas and policies of men.

The crux of the “policy” is to describe and show people another way of living, a way of living which can be much more harmonious than what we have now.

The basis of it is to promote the worth of each and every individual because they inherently have something which is beneficial to the country, the world, and society.

It is almost impossible to place in a few words all that this “policy” would entail, but my feeling is individuals will be much better off as a result.

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OK, but I’m not actually seeing any kind of policy present.

All I really see can basically be summed up as “People need to be healthier.”

You’re describing something that you think is a problem.

What you haven’t done is propose a policy to solve this problem.

Based on my understanding, that is the core of what this website is about - proposing policies to address problems.

You’ve presented something that you think is a problem.

What is the policy you propose to fix the problem you have laid out?


  1. Start a public education campaign on all types of media to educate all people
    a. each of us are valuable
    b. we each have innate talent(s)
    c. we are all worthy of respect
  2. Inform all in the education sector that their main job is to help find and then nurture each child’s innate talents. All parents share in this importat job, too.
  3. Let there be no obstacle in obtaining the training needed to bolster, fortify, and learn more in any field of study.
  4. Integrate individuals of every age into this new way of acceptance and study.
  5. At the same time the above is integrated, spread the word that monetary wealth is of no importance and at the same time start to eliminate currency of all types.
  6. Stress the importance of each induvidual working with their talent(s) to to commit to helping each other.
    My view is this eliminates many faults of our society, which include,
  7. Cheating in schools or on the job, for there would no longer be the need.
  8. Hunger for which many still in this nation have, for there would be food for all.
  9. The epidemic of anxiety and depression brought about often by financial woes. Everyone would have what they need.

[quote=“JAKe Hatmacher , post:7, topic:6071, username:JAKeH”]Start a public education campaign on all types of media to educate all people
a. each of us are valuable
b. we each have innate talent(s)
c. we are all worthy of respect[/quote]

This sounds like mass implementation of the same kind of ‘special snowflake’ philosophy that’s caused a lot of today’s social ills.


What exactly does this mean?

What you’re proposing is one of the cornerstones of Communism.

Hard NO.

I don’t think you understand how humans work.


Not possible.

And, again, this sounds disturbingly similar to the cornerstone motto of Communism - ‘From each according to their ability, to each according to their need’.

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I’m not a politician. I’m a doctor who contemplates what is laid out before me by the perfect universe and also the often corrupt ideas and policies of men.

The crux of the “policy” is to describe and show people another way of living, a way of living which can be much more harmonious than what we have now.

The basis of it is to promote the worth of each and every individual because they inherently have something which is beneficial to the country, the world, and society.

It is almost impossible to place in a few words all that this “policy” would entail, but my feeling is individuals will be much better off as a result.

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Call me or schedule a meeting with me and I can explain everything. I would need to write a book to explain it all, and I’m not doing that as I have more on my plate than this. Plus, if you were to hear from me directly, you could see my interest and emotion on these issues.
I’ll be waiting to hear when we may be able to do this. Feel free to record all, not just part, of what is said when we do this.

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Unfortunately, the core basis of your policy seems to rely on “Let’s try to make Communism viable”.

So unless you can successfully demonstrate otherwise, I think this proposal is DoA.

Why have you labeled my idea what you have and then trashed it in either hate or fear. Only you can tell me what you fear. Only you can allow this duscussion to cobtinue. Don’t live in fear. Open your heart and mind to a the potential of a new way of life, rather than 1. Looking out for self as number one and minimizing others, 2. Reducing crime and avarice, 3. Being able to have everyone enhance their native and learned skills and talents because they won’t have to be concerned over cost, 4, no need for cheating in schools because each individual achieves and does what they are capable of, 5. Those managing businesses are then not hiring people with insufficient skills for jobs because they will honestly now who is capable if doing them rather than a hiring a cheater who really hasn’t learned much because there is no further need to cheat to get ahead. All will have what they need to live comfortably, 6. No further buying off politicians( if even they are needed anymore) by businesses, and no need of lobbyists. Businesses will strive to create what people need and in adequate supply for those needs. The effect on the environment will be reduced, possibly dramatically, at the same time, because true environmentalists, ones who know people are part of the ecosystem and have needs, will balance the effect of manufacturing in the environment to minimize effects on human health.
There is probably many more positive things, but I’m writing this before I’ve had my full morning cup of Joe.
Just because something sounds “Communist,” doesn’t mean it can’t work.
My thoughts about all these things began formulating in college and maybe even before. Before and a long time after that I had never read a book or treatise on Communism. When I finally did read Das Capital and the Communist Manifesto, my eyes opened to what was said and there presented was not something spoken of as being dark and dreadfull. I truly hated reading Das Capital as I thought it very repetitive, perhaps simplistic, and extremely boring. I did find that Marx in the “Manifesto” was describing something for which a people, a society could hope to attain. I felt it was his impression, or maybe it was my impression of his description, that mankind was not yet ready or positioned to enter into a society of the type he described. To me it sounded like mankind still needed to evolve more sociologically. I feel those who tried “Communism” corrupted his ideas, unleashing something without adequate preparation and education of the populace, and because of that became dreadful for many.
Now remember, my ideas predated my reading any of Marx’s works. No extraneous philosophy besides life filled me with my ideas. My ideas are for society to live harmoniously and peacefully with a contribution from everyone so as to live without fear, hatred, and malice.
If you don’t wish the same, I guess there is nothing much more I can say.

I’m labeling it as a bad proposal because I see it as a bad proposal and all you can give me as a counter-argument is touchey-feely nonsense.

You have provided 0 factual argument for why your ideas are anything more than wishful thinking.

If it’s Communist, then it has already been proven that no, it’s can’t work.

You’re going to have to explain what the difference is between your proposal and Communism.

Which is utterly irrelevant.

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If this is too complicated to get down in a few paragraphs, maybe your aim is to solve too wide of a problem that you’re not prepared to handle.

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You as many, probably the majority, have not matured adequately as yet socially. You are right, it won’t work until the majority has.
I will need to continue to live in a system which promotes, although not directly, greed, strife, anxiety, depression, inequality, hatred, and violence. It does so indirectly because the focus is always on wealth and things you can have with wealth, but as a song says, “There are winners, and there’s losers…” The losers remain struggling while the winners keep on finding new ways to keep the poor in slavery and laud themselves for the charitable events and contributions they make off their backs.

You as many, probably the majority, have not matured adequately as yet socially.

A few users have come out in disagreement against what you said and some of the ideas you proposed and this is how you respond? Please understand something: You can be wrong and have bad ideas. (I’m not saying this is one. Frankly, I personally still don’t know what problem you’re trying to solve!)

How you have responded to criticism is not conducive to a constructive discussion. If you still think you’re right, please argue your proposal with logic and information instead of thoughts and insults, and I believe the community will try to do the same.

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You either understand what I’m saying or you don’t. As I’ve offered before, either sit down with me or call me and we can duscuss this further.

Dude, we are trying to discuss it further, but the best you seem to be able to do is blame other people for your failure to properly communicate.

You do know you have a condescensing attitude, don’t you, whoever you are. You obviously don’t see this is a cimplicated subject, and you obviously don’t see this takes verbal duscussion for me to get my points across. I have no true desire to sit here and write tidbits when yoy can listen and ask questions to try to understand rather tgan take an argumentive stance. When I’m done, you can reject it all, accept it all, or retain parts.
That’s what I offer. I have no clue who you areby tge way. I don’t need your name, but what or whom put you in whatever position this is?

By the way, here is a position, a policy - Absolutely no government fynding of abortion, whether through medicines or surgical since the vast majority of them are done for elective reasons having nothing to do with trying to preserve health. Another reason for no government funding is, it is a private matter and therefore it should remain private including the payment. No one other than those involved with creating the pregnancy should need to share in in the abortion if that is what is chosen.
Abortion should be made neither legal nor illegal. Just let the decision rest with the individuals involved.

You continue to blame other people for your own communication issues.

That’s one of the worst possible ways to convince people to hear you out.

You should go establish that as its own policy proposal.

I thought that’s what I just did!.
Here’s another proposal - nothing is illegal unless is does harm to another, whether bodily, mentally, or financially.