A Future of Peace & Global Cohabitation - Holism

This is a solid framework at our fingertips available now to form, modify and begin to put into place. An achievable way and most importantly a humane way for all of humanity and the planet, if we choose to leave behind the old models of; class structures, all about money thinking, ongoing war, greed for more capital and power to redeeming our true nature of peace as our birth right. This planet Earth is our lifeblood and our sustainer, we can begin now to regenerate a relationship within ourselves and with the Earth that supports us, she and we are Nature. Nature provides everything we need to stay in homeostasis. From this place of stability, common sense, awareness and knowledge together, inspiration and creativity becomes our vitality, soul food and is our truest freedom!
Thank You!
To write this in proposal form would take pages, Instead I’m presenting an overview containing a book and three videos, in the following suggested order:


  1. UBUNTU Contributionism - A Blueprint For Human Prosperity
    Author; Micheal Tellinger

  2. Future By Design: Video documentary - The life and work of Jacque Fresco (the Elon Musk
    of the Silent generation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGmPXMJZM_8

  3. Podcast/discussion on Jacque Frescos’ work ( The Venus Project) asking, How do we move
    forward in this direction in these times? YouTube?

  4. Interview with Micheal Tellinger author and creator of Ubuntu,
    (Website: onesmalltown.org).
    Draconian Legacy of the Annunaki with Michael Tellinger | Gaia?
    Let’s move into this direction to reclaim Ourselves and our World!