Designate the World Economic Forum, anything related to Soros, and like institutions as Terrorist Organizations

Yes not to mention he literally said we need to depopulate the world by at least 15% by way of vaccines!! Get him out of here!


I absolutely agree! The WEF is a direct threat to our US Constitution. Any US citizen who is a member of the WEF should be deported from the United States and should be labeled as a Treasonist.

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Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but are we just talking about lobbyists and donors in general?

End the use of using any SIG or any kind of organization like Open Societies to form and donate or fund any organization, political candidate or other elected or government paid official.

That is not going to help because as soon as the Democrat Party plays itā€™s dirty tricks and feels another election they will just bring it back what we need to do is destroy the CFR council on Foreign Relations which will literally take the politicians like Obama Biden Harris Nazi Pelosi, Miss Cheney Dick Cheney bush and many many of our dirty politicians it will disconnect them from the policies of the globalist which is the world economic forum we have to dismantle them call them evil and make Allah that if anybody any of our politicians are involved in the CFR the council on Foreign Relations. or the trilateral Commission, for the transatlantic " ?"
I forgot the rest of what the transatlantic is Iā€™ll find it itā€™s also referred to as the D10

Itā€™s run by the Brennan institution which is also connected to the w e f and the United Nations.

These are who we need to destroy because they are the ones who are connected to the WF and they are our own politicians who have nefarious agendas

I also made a policy in relation to the World Economic Forum and Globalism. Iā€™ll add it below so I can link it with your policy.

I agree 100%