Declare all members of the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization as an enemy of the United States

The WEF and WHO and all other rogue organizations such as NATO and the UN must be called out for what they are: international terrorists. The WEF openly states that their goal is to infiltrate governments of sovereign nations, which they already have, mainly the United States in order to strip away our God-given constitutional rights so they can fully implement their technocratic control over our entire planet and depopulate humanity as a whole. Any member of the WEF and connected organizations, not limited to the ones already stated above, should immediately be arrested upon entering the United States and any other nation who willingly participates in our reclamation of civil liberties for We the People, and tried for crimes against humanity. Namely, knowingly coercing the worlds population into receiving the deadly COVID gene therapy, fueling the NGOs which are facilitating the foreign invasion of our borders, and pushing deadly and unethical transgender medical procedures upon our children and the mentally ill of our society. We cannot allow them to continue in their manipulation of our government, specifically, we CANNOT allow our first and second amendments to be nullified. Once that happens. We will have lost.


[very similar]


I also made a similar policy. I’ll link it with your policy also.