Criminalize Lying in Government & Journalism

Any government official found to be guilty of deliberately lying in the performance of their official duties shall be removed from office, banned from ever seeking office again, and serve one full year imprisoned on Riker’s Island – not some cushy resort prison.

Any journalist found to be guilty of deliberately lying or knowingly repeating known lies told to them in the performance of their duties shall lose their license to practice journalism and the media outlet for which they work will be heavily fined for a first violation and the FCC will we revoke their license upon any second violation. No more “necessary illusions.” No more “emotionally potent simplifications.” No more “state secrets.”

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I agree with this and also want to add that politicians that lie or are misleading during campaigns. And if caught maybe a certain number of times they should be banned from running again and holding a position in the government.

Not sure about Rikers or similar, definitely needs to be a public hearing so the people understand the actual facts and deter others.