Congressional Term Limits and Equity Act

To establish term limits for members of Congress, ensure equitable treatment of elected officials, prohibit lobbying and financial conflicts of interest, and eliminate lifetime benefits for members of Congress while maintaining exceptions for former Presidents.

Section 1: Title

This Act may be cited as the “Congressional Term Limits and Equity Act of 2024.”

Section 2: Congressional Term Limits

  1. House of Representatives:
    a. No person shall serve more than 2 terms (4 years) as a member of the House of Representatives.

  2. Senate:
    a. No person shall serve more than 2 terms (12 years) as a member of the Senate.

  3. Constitutional Compliance Clause:
    a. This section shall apply prospectively to all members elected or reelected after the enactment of this Act, ensuring adherence to the Constitution.

Section 3: Elimination of Lifetime Benefits for Members of Congress

  1. Retirement Benefits:
    a. Members of Congress shall not receive pensions or any form of lifetime compensation for their service.

  2. Healthcare Benefits:
    a. Members of Congress shall participate in the same healthcare programs available to the general public, such as those under the Affordable Care Act.

  3. Exclusion Clause for Presidents:
    a. Former Presidents shall retain benefits as defined under existing statutes (e.g., pensions and security), recognizing the unique nature of their service.

Section 4: Financial Transparency and Anti-Enrichment Provisions

  1. Prohibition on Lobbying:
    a. No former member of Congress shall engage in lobbying activities for life.

  2. Government Contract Ban:
    a. Members of Congress and their immediate families shall be permanently prohibited from benefiting directly or indirectly from government contracts, subsidies, or grants.

  3. Conflict-of-Interest Disclosure:
    a. Members of Congress must disclose all financial interests and recuse themselves from policymaking that directly affects their financial assets.

b. Failure to disclose a conflict of interest shall result in:
i. A fine equal to one year of congressional pay.
ii. Imprisonment for up to 1 year, or both.

  1. Prohibition on Insider Trading and Stock Ownership:
    a. Members of Congress shall be prohibited from engaging in insider trading or holding individual stocks. Investments may only be made in diversified index funds or government bonds.

Section 5: Public Referendum and Oversight

  1. Amendments and Adjustments:
    a. Any future adjustments to term limits or benefits must be approved by a national public referendum during a general election.

  2. Oversight Committee:
    a. A bipartisan oversight committee, free of stock holdings, government contracts, and lobbying affiliations, shall ensure compliance with this Act.

Section 6: Enforcement and Penalties

  1. Ethics Enforcement:
    a. Violations of this Act shall result in expulsion from office, disqualification from future candidacy, and forfeiture of accrued benefits.

  2. Criminal Penalties:
    a. Intentional violations, such as insider trading or falsification of financial disclosures, shall be punishable by fines, imprisonment, or both, as prescribed by law.

Section 7: Effective Date

This Act shall take effect upon its enactment, with full implementation required within 180 days of passage.

Section 8: Sunset Clause

This Act shall remain in effect for 8 years from the date of enactment, after which its provisions shall be subject to national public referendum for continuation, amendment, or repeal.


I agree with most of what is here, however, I believe this will require a Constitutional Amendment.