Congressional Performance-Based Term Limits and Retirement Benefits

Bill Title:

Congressional Performance-Based Term Limits and Retirement Benefits Act

Section 1: Purpose

  • 1.1 Objective: To establish a system of term limits and retirement benefits for members of Congress based on performance and contributions to national welfare.
  • 1.2 Intent: Encourage accountability, effectiveness, and innovation in congressional duties.

Section 2: Definitions

  • 2.1 Performance Metrics:
    • Economic Growth: GDP growth rate, job creation statistics, unemployment rates.
    • Political Innovation: Legislation introduced and passed that leads to significant policy changes or improvements in governance.
    • Quality of Life Improvements: Metrics like poverty reduction, health outcomes, educational attainment, infrastructure development.
    • Public Approval: Approval ratings or satisfaction surveys related to the representative’s actions and policies.
  • 2.2 Assessment Period: The period during which a member’s performance will be evaluated, typically the duration of their term(s) in office.

Section 3: Term Limits

  • 3.1 Basic Term Limits:
    • House of Representatives: Maximum of 6 terms (12 years).
    • Senate: Maximum of 2 terms (12 years).
  • 3.2 Merit Extension:
    • Eligibility: Members can apply for term extensions if they meet or exceed performance benchmarks.
    • Process: Application reviewed by an independent Congressional Performance Review Committee.
    • Criteria for Extension: Must show significant positive impact in at least three of the defined performance metrics.

Section 4: Performance Review

  • 4.1 Committee Formation:
    • Composition: Experts in economics, policy, law, and public administration, appointed by a non-partisan body.
    • Function: Evaluate performance over the assessment period.
  • 4.2 Evaluation Process:
    • Annual Reports: Each member submits a report detailing their legislative activities and initiatives.
    • Public Input: Mechanism for public feedback and input on elected officials’ performance.
    • Comprehensive Review: Every term, a detailed review based on predefined metrics.

Section 5: Retirement Benefits

  • 5.1 Standard Benefits: Basic retirement benefits for all members who serve the maximum terms without merit extensions.
  • 5.2 Performance-Based Benefits:
    • Tier 1: Exceptional performance - full lifetime benefits including health, pension, and other privileges.
    • Tier 2: Above average performance - enhanced benefits but less than Tier 1.
    • Tier 3: Average performance - standard benefits.
    • Tier 4: Below average performance - reduced benefits or only essential retirement support.
    • Tier 5: Negative impact - minimal or no benefits beyond basic social security eligibility.

Section 6: Implementation

  • 6.1 Transition Period: Current members have a grace period before new rules take effect.
  • 6.2 Application: Applies to all future elections starting from the next congressional cycle after the bill’s passage.

Section 7: Oversight and Adjustments

  • 7.1 Oversight: Regular audits by the Government Accountability Office on the implementation of this act.
  • 7.2 Adjustments: Allow for amendments to performance metrics or benefit structures as national priorities evolve, with changes requiring a bipartisan supermajority in Congress.

Section 8: Effective Date

  • 8.1 Enactment: This act shall become effective from January 1 of the year following its passage.

This outline aims to introduce a dynamic system where congressional service is not only measured by time but by impact, promoting a meritocratic approach to politics while ensuring that retirement benefits reflect the quality of service provided to the nation.