Congress to do a full audit Ukraine War funding

Congress to do a full audit on all the cash we’ve sent over to Ukraine. We’re talking billions here. It’s our tax money, and we should know where every cent is going.

Why Bother?

  • Billions Spent: We’ve tossed over $113 billion their way. That’s a lot of dough!
  • No Clarity: Sure, there are watchdogs, but are they watching closely enough? I want details, not just assurances.

What We Want:

  1. A New Watchdog: Like the one we had for Afghan aid, but for Ukraine. Let’s call it the “Ukraine Aid Watch” or something catchy.

  2. Regular Check-ins: Every few months, these guys report back. What’s spent, where, and what good it did.

  3. Open Book: Put all this info online. If we’re paying for it, we should see it.


I’m sure the trips to Ukraine by our gov. officials were made to get their cut. May need an independent audit to look into this