We should offer incentives and rewards for parents (Mothers OR Fathers) who choose to stay out of the workforce to care for their own children. Under current law, the federal government provides Child Care Tax Credits, but PARENTS are specifically excluded from receiving them. If a parent makes the financial sacrifice to care for their own children, they should be able to receive a tax credit for doing so, instead of only being “rewarded” with a tax credit for hiring a nanny or putting their kids in day care all day.
I would disagree with this.
It’s already cheaper, in many cases (because of expensive Daycare) to stay home with the kids. The workforce is already missing a lot of women because of this. Why would we want to further exacerbate that issue? We should consider alleviating daycare issue so women who want to return back to work, can do so.
Some companies offer daycare as benefits to help with this issue.
the point here is that it takes two incomes to provide a life for a family, and daycare costs are ASTRONOMICAL almost illegal feeling with the fees they charge. just asking a parent to stay home a raise their kids is not the solution. we need real solutions that allow both parents to work. Parents who stay home with their kids are punished financially and career wise therefore not allowing for their family’s financial growth and severely limits career opportunities.
please please only have people with actual children write policies on this matter - we don’t need speculation from people who don’t have a realistic sense on the real problems.