The only way to stop illegal migration is to change the wording on the 14th amendment. The proposed wording should include only children born to US citizens are awarded citizenship upon birth. If one of the parents is a legal immigrant in this country so should their children. I am immigrant myself and I came here the legal way. In many countries around the world only children born to citizens become citizens. We must adopt those rules as well. Most illegals I know receive government help or benefits for their children. If we do this we can also tackle this issue
I disagree completely…
Changing the Wording in the 14th Amendment still leaves the 14th Amendment…
If we have the 14th Amendment Abolished, Banned, and Repealed, along with making it a Capital Offense to attempt to reinstate it, then we begin to correct the problem…
Most of our Major Problems began with the Reconstruction Amendments, and the 14th is Key to making these Problems exist, and even flourish…
Repeal the 13th and 14th Amendments and you begin the End of Govt induced Tax Slavery in America…
I am not trying to get rid of an amendment that gave people rights. I am advocating for exceptions to the citizens rule. No one born of illegal parents should receive citizenship
Then you don’t understand the 14th Amendment at all…
And maybe you don’t understand the U.S. Constitution, Article 4, Section 2, State Citizenship Clause either…
And maybe you cannot see how one cannot exist with the other as they are at odds, mainly because the U.S. was Never intended to have ““citizens”” of its own, only the States, and they are protected under Law, but you cannot see that, but some day you will…
And when you do, you will also hate the 14th Amendment because of the Slavery it installs upon our once Free Peoples…
I thank you for your explanation either way.