Case Law RESET

The Case Law RESET (Review and Eliminate Statutory Exceptions and Traditions) policy aims to restore transparency, accountability, and alignment in federal case law by sunsetting judicial precedents that lack direct legislative support. This initiative addresses the accumulation of case law that, while serving historical contexts, may no longer reflect current statutory intentions or democratic consensus. By systematically reviewing and eliminating unsupported case law, RESET ensures that judicial interpretation aligns closely with enacted laws, reducing ambiguity and fostering greater public trust in legal outcomes.

Process: A specialized, bipartisan committee would conduct periodic reviews of case law, identifying rulings that lack legislative grounding or have become outdated. These rulings would then be subject to sunset provisions, phasing them out unless Congress explicitly reaffirms or legislates to support them. The process would also include input from legal scholars, public hearings, and transparency reports to ensure informed and accountable decision-making.