Caregiver grading at Veterans' Affairs Hospitals

As of today, veterans are subjected to substandard care and left to scream into the void when a physician treats them poorly or is abusive. We’re sent to patient advocates that try but lack the resources to bring true repair to situations. IG investigations into abusive, inept, or dangerous providers are exceedingly rare. Moreover, Feres Doctrine and prohibitions of lawsuits embolden providers at VA hospitals to do and act however they wish. This results in malicious flags placed in parts of records kept secret from the veteran, deleterious language that influences future care, and even drives mental anguish and crisis as veterans lose faith in their options.
Facilities are supposed to send surveys but they’re rare and website portals fail. Commercial grading sites don’t get attention.
I would propose that veterans be able to log into the appointment list and leave a review of the provider and care answering the following questions:

  • Were all your questions and concerns Addressed?
  • What would you like your provider to know, that you may have not been able to share?
  • At your next appointment what would help you communicate more clearly?
  • Would you like someone to sit with you at future appointments?
    Then give a star rating for listening, clear instructions, and overall of the provider.

From this, low rated providers would be remediated, fined, or subjected to termination. We need a path to remove bad doctors. Additionally, highly rated doctors would be given praise, bonuses, and invited to share how they do this.